Make This Christmas Abundant!

photo (89)I can't quite believe I am sat writing here about Christmas but it is actually only just 3 weeks away! As wonderful as Christmas is it can also be a time that shines a light on lack in areas of our life. A lack of money

A lack of friends/family

A lack of partner

Missing those who are no longer with us

A lack of sunshine (!)

......and perhaps a lack of achieving what you wanted to achieve over the past year.

If you have been reading my blog for a while then you know you always have a choice in how you are being in every situation and how you think about it.

If you have read much about the law of attraction you will also know that like attracts like so thinking in a lack mindset will create more lack in your life. Thinking about what you don't have only highlights more of what you don't have in your life, as that is what you are focusing on.

So how about changing it around and let's make this Christmas abundant! How, I hear you ask? Let's go through the list above:

Money - instead of saying "I can't afford it" how about looking at what you can afford instead? Or asking yourself "how can I create/find the money to be able to buy/do this?". I can't.....just cuts any possibility off but if you ask your self "how can I..." you are being more open to making it happen. Look at all the things you already have to be grateful for in your life and daily count your blessings.

Friends/Family - Christmas can be a lonely time for some people, instead of focusing on feeling lonely look for ways you can be around people, if that is what you desire, maybe there's an opportunity to volunteer over Christmas? Think about the people you do already have in your life and show them how much you value them in your life. Just 1 great friend can be of so much value compared to lots of acquaintances who you don't really have deep relationships with. Maybe you are in a different country to them, then make the most of the wonder of Skype, they can be in your room in an instant.

Partner - What is it you feel you are lacking from not having a partner? Love, intimacy, connection, someone to spend time with, fun, friendship etc Break it down then look at where you have each of the things you feel you are missing in your life? It's quite an amazing exercise to do.  The funny thing is many single people want to be in a relationship and many people in relationships sometimes wish they were single! So how about just making the most of your single time before you meet that special person (and then wish you were single again ;-)).

Missing those no longer with us - Make this time an great opportunity to honour those that have passed on, on your own or with family and friends. You could share how they touched your life and what you learnt from them. Allow yourself to feel the feelings, to grieve and to be so very grateful that they were part of your life.

Sunshine - this might seem like a bit of a joke but some of us (including myself) really do miss the summer at this time of year. Unless you can book a flight somewhere then make the most of every bit of sunshine we do have, on the lovely winter sunny days get out there and feel it on your face. Winter is also a perfect excuse to have some down time, to be a bit quiet to process all that has gone on through the year, to get your energy reserves up ready to burst out again in Spring. Learning to be grateful for the different energies of the seasons has really helped me to value the winter months.

Achievements - Instead of focusing on what you didn't achieve look at what you did. Look at what you learnt. Sometimes life doesn't happen the exact way we want it to when we want it to but things happen instead to teach us valuable lessons. Sometimes we need to go through unexpected experiences to be fully ready to create what we really want in our life. Sometimes something arise that is even better that what we thought we really wanted! So don't waste time feeling bad about what you didn't do, learn from this past year and then get into action towards your goals right now. Step by step things will start to change.

To to summarise.....when you catch yourself feeling any kind of lack, switch it around by focusing on what you do have, what you are grateful for in your life, and get in to action to create your dreams. WOO HOO!

Happy Christmas :-)

Lots of love

Louise x



Honour Your Values

heartsandWhat is really important to you? That you'd do anything to feel or experience? Love? Integrity? Honesty? Kindness? Family? Success? Freedom? Happiness? Abundance? Health? Spirituality? The list is endless.

It's very easy when caught up with work, in relationships and everything else that life throws at you to loose sight of what is really important to you.

It's also very easy to start to live by someone else's values, to loose track of what really matters to you.

To get caught up in their dreams, their priorities and forget about your own.

Our values are what drive us, what inspire us to make our dreams happen so what happens when we are not living by them?

We can begin to feel lost, confused, depleted of energy and inspiration to create change in our life. We can start to put others needs before our own. We can put our own feelings aside to make sure the other person is ok.

We may be working towards "goals" but are not actually doing much to achieve them. The drive and motivation to get in to action comes from feeling so inspired by the end result that we will do anything to make it happen. However if it's not what we really want (not in alignment to our values) then it's very hard to feel any desire to do any thing about it, even though we still feel guilty when we don't!!!

I speak to my clients a lot about learning to love yourself, to put yourself first, and often they are not even sure where to begin with that. One way is to get really clear about what YOU want, what is important to YOU and make that a priority.

Also self love is all about valuing your feelings, they are just as important as any one else. Avoid putting them aside to "keep the peace", honour them, express then and then release them if they are not supporting you.

If you have no idea what your values are look around you in your life. What do you surround yourself with in your home? What do you enjoy talking about most to others? What is that dream that you gave up on years ago but every now and then pops back into your head? What really excites you? What inspires you in other people?

Just be on alert for these things. Make a note of them when you notice them. Slowly you will begin to create a list of things that are important for you to experience on a daily basis.

Once you are clear on that then you have a check list to make sure that every situation you go into is in alignment with that. For example if you value honesty and have to work/ or have a relationship with someone who is a natural born liar then it is likely not to work for you! Or if you value integrity then  any kind of relationship where the other never does what he/she says he/she are going to do is likely to drive you crazy!

Of course we attract people into our lives who have opposite values to us, this is our opportunity to learn and find ways of how different values can compliment each other. A classic example is in a relationship with one partner valuing work and one valuing family. This can really work where one can use their work values to be able to financially support the partner who values family  and wants to stay at home to look after the children. It can also cause a lot of arguments! It's being in that curious mindset of learning rather than fighting against, and honest discussion, that brings out these insights,

Value yourself enough to take some time to work out what is really important to you, then make time to ensure your life supports that.

If you'd like some help uncovering what your values are then give me a call! 07779 150 886.

Namaste x

Learn To Listen To Your Intuition

peacefulmindHow many times in your life have you said, after a situation has happened, "I knew something wasn't right", or "I had a feeling about that". So often we get a feeling, a hunch, about a person or situation but then the mind takes over and intuition can be easily ignored. Later to only wish you hadn't.

Personally I can think of many times in past relationships when I've had had a feeling that something isn't right but ignored it because I didn't want to believe it! Only for it to end painfully further down the line.

How much pain or suffering we could save ourselves if we listened to our intuition.

On the flip side it's also easy to suppress what what our heart really wants to do, maybe for fear of rejection, failure, looking stupid and so on. A momentary flutter of excitement about something can quickly be squished by the mind talking us out of it.

Consider, what would life be like it we just listened to our truth, to what we really wanted and paid attention to the warning signals we are naturally given. Then acted from there, rather than our mind.

It's a brave step acting from intuition, your mind will want to battle it, courage is required. As we know though, we grow stronger and build self confidence by feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

The moments when I have listened to my intuition and acted from there, spoken out or changed my plans have been incredibly illuminating and quite simply have felt right. Things have flowed.

Sometimes it's hard to distinguish intuition from the ever chatting mind.

This is where stillness comes in.

This where noticing how your body is feeling comes in.

This is noticing your dreams.

This is noticing the really quite whispering voice of your heart under the loud shouts of your mind.

It's an inner knowing. Deep down you know what is best for you. It's honouring that and acting from there.

Through yoga I have learnt the more connected I am with my body and through spending time in silence I am able to notice my intuition more clearly. It's not drowned out by constant rushing around, doing doing doing, caught up in my head not really creating space to listen at all to what is really right for me.

I have also become aware of how our intuition is God's way of speaking to us. I realise some of you reading this may not have a belief in God but that's just my experience of it. Since finding faith in a higher energy I have noticed that my internal guiding system, my intuition, has got louder, it's like I am being guided through what is best for me and what isn't so good. Then when I follow that guidance, I feel more connected God and experience a sense of being looked after.

Above all, do what feels right for you. Be aware of others trying to sway you in directions that just doesn't feel comfortable to you. Only you know your truth.

Many blessings,

Louise x

The Power of Speaking Your Truth

  Some people are so good at expressing themselves, standing up for what they believe in and just saying it like it is.

They make it look easy. If something is bothering them they just deal with it straight away and move on.

It's not this simple for many of us though. Letting someone know that they have upset us, how we really feel about them or anything else that is playing on our minds can be incredibly difficult sometimes.

That feeling of just wanting to say it but it feels stuck in your throat, fear taking over of what might happen when you let it out.

Why it's easy for some people and not for others is usually largely due to how self expressed our family and friends were as we grew up. Our childhood conditions us whether we like it or not, but this of course can be changed.

The power of speaking your truth is amazing. It's liberating, empowering and can take relationships to the next level.

I am sure some of you know that feeling of wanting to say something to someone but not. How energy draining it can be, how it can impact the relationship anyway by the way you are behaving, sleepless nights, stress, upset. Is it all really worth that rather than just saying it?

If you are going through this at the moment, wanting to express how you are feeling but just not being able to get it out, here are a few tips:

  • Before you speak to them, take sometime to sit still, close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Connect with the stillness inside you
  • Once you are feeling still bring your awareness to your heart centre, where your true self resides and connect with how you are feeling about the situation, what is your truth, what needs to be expressed?
  • From this place of calm approach the situation. Allow the words to tumble out how ever they do, it doesn't matter if it's not perfectly rehearsed, just speak from your heart. Trust that what comes out is what you need to say.
  • Let go of any expectations of their response. You can't determine how someone reacts and remember they have their own stuff going on that will cause them to react in a certain way. Just remember to own what you say, this is more about you simply speaking your truth rather than what happens next.
  • What ever the outcome I guarantee you will feel empowered for just getting it out there. Take time to acknowledge yourself for feeling the fear and doing it anyway. It does get easier over time.

Your truth is beautiful. You are valuable and people will benefit from hearing you speak from your heart.




5 Benefits of Wearing Colours That Suit You


cropbennirasI have been an image consultant for 10 years, it was the first business I ever started back in my late twenties. I was drawn to it through a love of colour, and of course clothes! Having ginger hair growing up made it trickier to pick colours to wear but luckily my mother had her "colours done" when I was about 10 so she was able to help me pick clothes that suited me, as we are the same colouring. I didn't really care about it at that young age but certainly appreciated it as a teenager discovering fashion. As a result I grew up loving wearing light bright colours.

I find that the clients I meet often have one or two colours they stick to or might even just stick to the safer option of neutrals. They want to experiment with colour but are not sure where to start with the vast array of choice in the shops.

There are some amazing benefits of wearing colours that suit you and some disastrous effects of wearing ones that don't....

The wrong colours can:

  • Make you look ill, sometimes even jaundice
  • Make you look older (God forbid!)
  • Completely over power you, so that you get lost behind them
  • Wash you out
  • Create dark shadows and lines across your face, and highlight blemishes
  • Give the world the completely wrong impression about your personality

The good news is the benefit of wearing colours that suit you are:

  • You look healthy and radiant
  • You feel great and your self confidence grows
  • Colour is an expression of your personality so you can really feel like "you" in the right colours, and people will pick up on that
  • You look younger (just this weekend I got asked by two separate people at a party if I was studying at uni.....err I am 40 next year!)
  • You naturally stand out, not in a showy look at me kind of way (unless you want that and wear dramatic clothes to create that), but in a way that people notice you simply because you look so good. So great if you are single or looking for a new job!

You can learn what colours suit you though a colour consultation. A 1-1 session takes about 1.5hr, we'll be sitting in front of a mirror and I will drape different colours over you. We'll start off by assessing your natural colouring to work out the best types of colours for you and then I'll show you a whole range of colours that will look fantastic. You can wear any colour, it's just what shade, clarity and undertone you pick so don't worry I won't be telling you that you can't wear your favourite colour....unless maybe it's black, which is not most flattering for everyone. I will give you options though on how to wear black in the most flattering way if you want to keep wearing it.

What is really fun is to get a group of friends together to do this. It lowers the cost and you learn from watching each other having it done too.

I carry out 1-1's in the Brighton and Hove area but happy to travel for group sessions, as far as London. Please contact me to find out more! [email protected]

Have a colourful week!

Louise x

It's all about love, trust and faith

After 9 years through my journey of personal development, spirituality, faith and yoga it's becoming more and more clear that it all really boils down to love, trust and faith. A deep love for yourself, which gives you the best open hearted energy to love others completely.

Faith in a loving creative energy bigger than yourself (God is what I choose to believe).

Trust everything is working out perfectly.

You don't have to have it all figured out. Just start by focusing on love and take it from there.

Be loving to yourself

Be loving to others

Do what you love

Explore faith

Have faith


With everything that is going on in the world right now I think it's so important to use our collective group energy for prayer and sending out positive intentions to people and areas that need it the most. If you are not sure how to do this then a simple Buddhist metta meditation is really easy to do and powerful. Repeat the following as many times and you feel to do:

May I be happy

May I be peaceful

May I be healthy

Sending out love to.....

May X be happy

May X be peaceful

May X be healthy

Sending out love to....

For example:

May the people in Gaza be happy

May the people in Gaza be healthy

May the people in Gaza be peaceful

Sending out love to Africa....

and so on. We can all do our bit even from the comfort of our homes.

Namaste x

Love Yourself First

  How loving are you to yourself....

Do you allow yourself time to rest when you need it?

Do you follow your dreams even when others try to talk you out of them?

Do you buy yourself flowers?

Do you stand up for what is right for you in your heart?

Do you say kind words to yourself when you are down or need some encouragement?

Do you celebrate your victories and your failures?

Do you allow only people who fill you with positive loving energy into your life?

Do you allow yourself a guilt free afternoon nap, slice of cake, indulgent purchase when you feel like it?

Do you fill your body with food that nourishes you?

Do you surround yourself with people, things, environments that make your heart smile?

Do you value yourself and your opinion enough to share it?

Do you make sure you get enough sleep?


It's very easy to put others first and put ourselves down. Our mind has a nasty habit of helping us to do this. This is not our natural state of being though. We come from love and are love.

When we are not treating ourselves with love, how can we expect others to do the same? Like attracts like. So when you are loving to yourself you will send out an energy that encourages others to treat you with love too.

How awesome would it be if everyone was focusing on being loving to themselves, in that space the opening would occur to everyone to be loving to each other, after all we are all connected, one energy. One big mass of love.

Love yourself first. You are not being selfish. You are being love.

When you love yourself, you will find you can't help but extend that love to others too, that's what love is after all.


Lots of love to you all.



Honour your connection in the moment

heartsandSometimes people come in to our lives just for a short time. We might want it to be for longer but it's just not meant to be.  You both have other people to meet along your path. We never know how long a connection will last with another person and it's easy to cloud what you experience in the moment with expectations or longing for more than what its meant to be.

Life can make us feel like when we meet someone we connect deeply with, we want to hold on to them, but this isn't always the purpose for the meeting though. Perhaps it's to illuminate something that's not working in your life, maybe it's catalyst for a new direction or an opportunity to heal.

When you can appreciate a connection with someone just in the moment it is truly a beautiful heart centred experience.

When you are fully present with another, just enjoying each other in the now and sharing your truth, things you could never have imagined are able to open up for you. There are always lessons to be learned and realisations to be had.

I don't believe that meetings are by chance. I believe people are sent to us for a reason, and by being open to this it gives you a chance to explore what that could be.

When it's time to part rather than feeling sad, say goodbye with love and feel blessed for the experience you have shared. Who knows, it may not be good bye for ever, and if it is then you know for sure someone else will soon be coming around the corner.

Namaste x


Choose Ease

photo (27)In my yoga classes over this past week I have been setting the focus to choose ease. I like to set a focus, an intention, for each class to give everyone a new insight into a way of being. How you are in yoga is often how you are in life, so there are often lessons to be learned. For example if you push yourself in a yoga class you are likely to push yourself in life as well.

For some reason there seems to be a common belief that we have to work hard, and if something is too easy there must be something wrong!

I wonder why that is.

That saying "no pain no gain" seems to haunt us.

Yoga is completely the opposite of this though. If you try to force yourself into a yoga pose then your body just tenses up, your breath won't be as slow and deep and sharp pain is likely to cause an injury then set you back.

How about in life though? If you try to force something to happen does that work?

If it's all hard work and no play, does that work?

How are you feeling emotionally and physically when you are "working hard"?

Does it add to your enjoyment of life?

Instead what would it be like if you were to choose the option that felt easy? That felt joyful?

.....and then drop any guilt around that.

I am not talking about being lazy, and not getting anything done. I mean doing things that get you in the best possible energy to be effective in the area that you enjoy, where you will excel naturally with out having to force it to happen.

Every moment is an opportunity to create how we approach life. Even in the tricky times you can ask yourself that question. There is always an option that feels better than the other.

I am liking this powerful affirmation at the moment:

I choose life to be easy.

Try it on for a day and see what unfolds.

In the spirit of life being easy....if you have been thinking about coming to our Happiness Effect workshop this weekend we have 4 discounted places that have just become available! Basically 4 people have dropped out and we are now offering those two places at the early bird rate we did back in May - £200 instead of £495! This is for 2 whole days of inspiration and exploration into happiness, lunch on both days, a happiness journal and a 6 week happiness ecourse to follow!

Please contact me now if you are interested as they will go fast! [email protected].

Many blessings,


Eye Gazing - Bare Your Soul

photo (37)What is it that can be so confronting to gaze into another persons eyes for a long period of time? The eyes are said to be the windows to our soul. To really stop and just look into someone's eyes for longer than just a quick moment can open you up to vulnerability, with no where to hide.

I have done an exercise before where you are asked to stand in front of another person and just look, just stare into their eyes and just be there. It's interesting to watch how a group of people deal with this. Some people giggle, others fidget, create distraction, feel the need to talk, and sometimes cry. After a while though of settling into it and just being in front of someone, fully bare, a great stillness appears.

I've just been to a yoga festival which included lots of conscious dancing, by that I mean not under the influence of any drug or drink. The dances are often guided and there are lots of moments of connection where you dance with people and look into their eyes.

It's not easy at first, especially when you are dancing with a tent full of strangers. There is something deeply emotional and touching about looking into someone's eyes for a long time, really seeing them for who they are with their barriers dropped.

After a while it starts to peel away your barriers. The level of connection with others increases. Your heart starts to feel more open.

We can spend so much of life hiding our true selves from others, comparing ourselves, putting on different faces in different situations. There is something incredibly freeing about allowing yourself to stand open in front of another and look into their soul.

We are all connected, we all share similar fears, we all want love and we are all from the same Source. It's just our bodies that separate us.

So perhaps long eye gazing doesn't feel right for you just yet but experiment with it, see if you can hold the gaze just a little longer, hold your hugs for just a bit more and just be open to showing the world who you really are. Your true self with out all the barriers. You are amazing.

Much love

Louise x

You Are On The Right Path

flower2Sometimes when we hit a bump in the road it can be easy to think we're off track. Things not going our way, repeating behaviours we wanted to give up and being let down can all lead us to feeling back to square one.

When want we  really want in our life doesn't happen quick enough, to schedule, we can question is it really right for us at all.

My message to you today is that no matter what is happening right now, you are on the right path.

Sometimes to get where we need to go we need to struggle a bit first. The hard times strengthen us, they test our will power, they lead us to new insights and to show up in life as who we really are.

Take some time to look back over your life and reflect upon the difficult times you have experienced so far.  Then notice what came out of them, what shifts in your life did they create?

You may be in a dip now. If you are my suggestion is to trust that this is happening for a reason. Maybe the lesson may not be glaringly obvious right now but it is a stepping stone to something new.

Life is not supposed to be easy, if it was we would never grow and we probably wouldn't appreciate the good times as much!

Just trust, you are on the right path, you have not strayed off track at all.

Bring your mind into the moment where life is happening now. Stand barefoot on the grass, listen to the birds, look at the flowers and remind yourself of all the good you do have right now.


Louise x

It's OK to feel tired sometimes

  flower2When I used to live in London burning the candle at both ends I used to reach for sugar and caffeine to keep me going through a busy day.

It was like I didn't allow myself to feel tired. The thought of just allowing myself to stop, rest and sleep it off didn't really enter my mind.

The lesson I learnt from that strategy was that it would only make me feel worse long term. My energy was so up and down, once the stimulants had worn off I'd feel even more spaced out. At least once a year I would come down with some nasty virus that would completely knock me out, forcing myself to stop. Even then I didn't like to!

Since learning to listen to what my body needs by; cutting out coffee, just having something sweet as a treat rather than a pick me up and choosing a slow release energy diet, I sleep better and I allow myself to rest when I need too.

There is nothing wrong with taking a nap sometimes!

When I feel tired now I just allow myself to feel tired. I slow things down, I practice restorative yoga, I go to bed early, I eat healthily and just do a bit less. Not surprisingly I haven't had to take to my bed ill for a few years now.

Of course if you are always feeling tired then there is something to look at why, like I did, maybe a diet or lifestyle change is needed but it's OK to feel tired sometimes. When you do just see it as a signal to back off a bit and rest. We all need our down days and that's ok. The more you resist anything the longer it persists!

Life can get fraught with the feeling of wanting more, needing to do more, being more......but we are already enough, just as we are.

People who have come to my yoga classes have told me they like it when I repeat the affirmation:

I am enough

I do enough

I have enough

I love it myself, just repeating it sends a wave of peace and contentment over my entire being.

So next time you reach for the caffeine to avoid tiredness just pause and allow yourself to feel tired. Just be with it, allow yourself to do a bit less that day and rest up when you can. I have found doing this actually ends up giving me more energy anyway!

Take care.

Louise x


How to be more open

  lotusHow open are you to receive?

By that I mean do you notice when people smile at you? Do you really take in great feedback? Do you recognise people in the street? Do you acknowledge when someone has made you a cup of tea or let you go before them in the queue?

When life is busy it can be very easy to get caught up in the mind, not really fully noticing what is going on around you. For example I regularly bump into people I know, not just local people but I have met people  I know from my past all around the world. My friends often joke about it and some have said it's never happened to them but acknowledge that they walk around caught up in their thoughts and just focus on getting from A to B so don't really look around whilst en route to their destination.

I coach clients who have a such a way of thinking that they don't notice or really take on board compliments. How often have you heard someone brushing off a compliment, as if they don't really believe what they are hearing? Perhaps you do it yourself.

I know people who even though they have been given really great feedback at work they still don't believe they are good at their job.

When we set intentions, when we pray, and when we repeat affirmations we are sending out into the energy of the universe what we would love in our lives. What ever you choose to believe whether it's God, the universe, your higher power, listens and sends you situations and people to guide you towards your dream.

You might over hear a conversation that is completely relevant to what you are looking for.

You may see a poster for a course that would just be perfect for what you need to learn.

You might bump into someone from your past to be able to resolve an issue from back then and to move forward with a new lesson learnt.

You might meet a stranger randomly who has something to teach you, or you them.

You may even just have a sudden inner knowing about something you need to do.

You may receive some feedback or a random act of kindness that is just what you need to know you are on the right path or simply lift your mood and self belief.

Unless you are open though you may miss the gifts you receive.

How to be more open? A helpful way to become more open to all that you receive is to keep a note of it. Every time you notice a chance meeting, an act of kindness, a sign you are on the right path or a message that seems just for you write it down! The act of doing this will help you to notice all these gifts to you more.

You don't have to have it all worked out, when you have trust in a power bigger than you and are open to receiving help miracles can happen.


Louise x


What Is Happiness?

happylogoAs many of you will know I am busy working on a happiness project at the moment called The Happiness Effect, it's a 2 day workshop based around exploring what happiness means to you and how to access happiness in your life in each moment. Through my research around happiness and my own personal journey over the years I have learnt that taking time to ask yourself "what is happiness" is the path to unlocking it within yourself.

When you explore what happiness is you also get to learn what it's not and what it means uniquely to you. What makes you feel happy might be completely different to your partner, friends and family.

I am not speaking about positive thinking, which can sometimes trick our mind into thinking we are happy when actually we're not. For example staying in a job you really do not like, or a difficult relationship. I mean that sense of joy, and also peace, you feel deep within when you feel real happiness.

When I was younger I used to delay my happiness, I'd think to myself when I have travelled to X country then I'll feel happy, or when I have achieved a certain income, bought a certain item of clothing (on the never ending want list!) and so on. This way of thinking left me with a constant feeling of striving and dissatisfaction with the present moment. In fact back then I probably was not even aware the  concept of the present moment!

The difference now is that how I am being in the present moment is the key to my personal happiness. How I am choosing to spend my time, doing the things I love, the things that are good for me and feel right in my heart. It's spending time in nature. It's being grateful for what I have in my life right now. It's being with people I love, that fill me up rather than take away my energy. It's also being in awe of the magic of how life unfolds naturally in it's own perfect timing and having faith in that.

Robert Holden (author of fab book "Be Happy") has a great exercise to connect with what makes you happy, he calls it "The Very Happy Exercise". Take a few moments to work through this and I am sure you will gain some insights into what happiness means to you:

Complete the following sentence 10 times:

I am very happy when......

Next write down the date by each point when you last experienced that.

Then notice what you can learn about happiness and yourself from this. It can be a very insightful exercise.

If you would like to find out more about our workshop, The Happiness Effect, please visit our website and you'll find there is a special early bird discount on offer until Thursday of this week - £200 instead of £495 which is the full price. This is only available until Thursday!

Be Happy.

Louise x

Curing My Asthma

  I was sad to learn in the news this week that 3 people die in the UK every day from asthma. In fact I know someone who died from it just last year, she was only in her 40s.

The BBC news shared that "People suffering from asthma are dying unnecessarily because of complacency among both medical staff and patients, according to the first national study of asthma deaths in the UK."

I grew up with asthma, I had it from a very young age and when I was too small to really remember I was often in hospital suffering from attacks. I only learnt recently that during one of these attacks I actually died for a couple of seconds. Thankfully I came back!

My memories of growing up are predominantly of being sick with asthma. The most I remember about my school days was being at home sick or in bed in the "San" at school if I couldn't stay at home. Of course I have wonderful happy memories too of playing on the beach, swimming in the sea and running around the forest. It never stopped me fully.

So naturally I grew up always taking my inhalers. I actually noticed when I got a bit older that I had developed a bit of a dependency on my Ventolin, the inhaler that relieves your breathing when having an attack. If I didn't have it with me when I went out I would start to panic and my asthma would come on, it was the same when going to bed. I'd have to take a puff before I could relax.

In my early 30s my uncle who also suffers from asthma got prescribed a new inhaler called Seritide which completely took away all his symptoms. He shared his new found discovery with me and my cousins, it no longer felt like we had asthma any more. My cousins who had never been able to do sport at school suddenly became super sporty. It changed their lives, it grew their self confidence and for me I never had an asthma attack again.

How ever I was still taking an inhaler. Asthma was still there underlying.

When I was in India a couple of years ago I had a few rebirthing sessions with a man there. He picked up on how I saw having asthma as part of who I am. He said it's like I just accept I have it and am doing nothing to cure it. There and then I decided to do just that, take action to go about curing my asthma.

Since then I have learnt that my asthma was largely due to fear. Fear of not being able to breathe, and then dying. This has been mainly unconscious but once I uncovered that I was able to use affirmations to let myself  know "I am safe, there is enough air to breathe" if my breath becomes short. Yogic breathing has helped to expand my lungs and deepen my breath. EFT has calmed me down if I feel the fear rise up and asthma triggered. I have changed my diet to avoid foods that create inflammation and I have had energetic healing around my scary experiences as a child having attacks.

I can happily say I no longer take an inhaler every day. The only time I do take it is when I volunteer at a cats home as animal hair still triggers me and being surrounded by 40-50 cats can be fairly overwhelming for my system. I choose to go there though as I love cats, like I said asthma has never stopped me. It is getting better though, sometimes I don't take it at all and when I am with just one cat now I don't have any reaction at all.

I know every one is a different case and you have to treat your asthma very carefully as it can be life threatening. I am just writing this post for those who have asthma who, like I also did, just see it as who they are. Who are not doing anything to investigate other alternatives to helping cure it.  Or in fact with any disease.

Sometimes we can get so stuck in a way of thinking or being we forget that it actually may not be true or that it could be possible to change it!

I recommend reading Louise Hay's book - All is Well which links dis-ease to emotional problems and gives affirmations to repeat to yourself daily. It's really insightful, and usually pretty spot on.

I can honestly say I don't think of my self as an asthmatic now, just someone who gets it every now and then......and usually it's because I have valued something higher than not taking my inhaler, i.e. being with cats! .....and one day that will be cured too.





You don't have to have it all worked out

India2012 487I am going to be turning 39 in a couple of months and I was reflecting recently on what I was up to when I was 29. Ten years is a long time isn't it? It doesn't sound that long but a lot can happen. This time ten years ago I was just setting out on my journey to work for myself. I had just trained to become an image consultant and I was in the process of setting up the site: It doesn't even exist any more since it transformed into Create Yourself a few years later.

When I was starting out I could never have imagined ten years later I would also be a life coach, reiki healer and yoga teacher based in Brighton!

Sometimes when I coach people I find they can get hung up on choosing the perfect goal, the perfect career, the perfect partner and so on.... I am a firm believer in choosing what feels right now, in this moment, rather than worrying too much if it is still going to feel like that in a few years time. Waiting for the perfect goal can also lead to procrastination.

Once you set out on a path all sorts of unexpected things can happen to you that can lead you in a variety of directions. Also, you change, what feels right to you now may not feel so good a few years down the line and that's OK.

For example when I was thinking about a new career I spent a year exploring different types of jobs in fashion, I took a fashion media course which covered many different possible jobs. During this year I won an image consultation, whilst having that I decided I wanted to do that too!

I took a course to learn to be an image consultant and began to create my business. It was all so new to me though and the thought of promoting myself at networking events and talks filled me with dread.

Along came a boy I met in a nightclub! He introduced me to a personal development course he had done and felt it might help me with my self confidence for my business. I decided to give it a go, after all what could I loose?

The course transformed my way of looking at life and after a few more courses there I decided I want to be a life coach, to help others see the world in this inspired and empowered way too.

During a particularly busy year in 2009 I took up yoga, to give me some balance from all the running I was doing. Again this was a pivotal moment in my life, yoga completely chilled me out and bought me into the present moment. Something that had seemed elusive to me before.

My yoga journey has connected me to something much deeper, to a faith in something much bigger than myself and to feel completely at peace within myself. So it wasn't surprising that in 2012 I became a yoga teacher to add to everything else!

Can you see how it's all just flowed? Ten years ago I couldn't have imagined what I am doing now, or that I'd be living in Brighton, but I was just open to trying new things, going where my interest drew me and just giving things a go.

You don't have to have it all worked out. All you need to focus is what feels right now, in this moment. The trust the process. New people, events, opportunities will be bought into your life at just the right time for you. The trick is to be open to them and act on them.

Enjoy the journey, moment by moment.

Louise x


Commitment Gives Power to Creating Change

CambodiaandThailand10 025You want to make a change in your life. You have a goal. A dream. An intention.

How committed are you to it?

Do you give your word to creating it in your life? Do you share it with everyone?


"Making a commitment is taking  stand, it's declaring to yourself and the universe that you're unwilling to settle for anything less that excellence" Denise Linn

Fear can get in the way of making a commitment, fear of failure, fear of looking bad, fear of the unknown, fear of change and so on. However while there is any doubt in our mind it's hard to give ourselves 100% to something, we energetically send out unconscious messages  that it "might not happen".

Our thoughts create our reality. If you go into a situation not fully believing in yourself, or your dream, without knowing consciously doing it your behaviour will be effected.

For example: You have a job interview that you don't believe you are good enough for. Although during the interview you will try to act confidently without meaning to that lack of self belief will show through in subtle ways. Maybe through your body language,  or a lack of certainty behind your answers.

Of course in life there is no certainty, but acting from a mindset of doubt and fear will impact your behaviour, or whether you take any action at all.

Commitment gives power to creating change. We can talk about wanting to change jobs, go travelling, relocate, find a partner until we are blue in the face but until we actually decide, I am going to do all I can within my power to create this, it's easy to just keep talking about it.

Talking about it can turn into months, and then years. Before you know it you'll be reaching retirement and still be speaking about wanting to make this change!

It's a simple decision.

"I am committed to X"

You may like to share it with people who are close and supportive of you. Remember to take care with who you share it with as some people feel the way to support is to put you off your's their way of caring, or perhaps their own fears showing up but remember this is your dream not theirs. Share it with those you know will support you.

Get into action. I find putting something concrete in place that drives me to take more action always helps at the beginning. For example:

Putting your updated CV on to recruitment sites

Signing up to a dating site

Booking a flight

Putting a deposit down

Signing up to estate agents

Give power to your dreams, make a commitment and whole heartedly go for it. After all when you look back on your life isn't it better to have given it your all than just sitting around day dreaming about it for weeks, months or even years?

If you'd like some help with your dream, please get in touch.

Lots of love

Louise x

Make This Easter Full of Happiness!


The sun is shining and we are nearly at the 4 day weekend!

I am sure you all have lots of plans, or maybe not. Sometimes isn't just nice to have nothing to do isn't it?

What ever you are doing I invite you to connect with happiness this weekend by bringing your awareness to all the little blessings you have in your life.

The moment you feel the sunshine on your face, or the wind through your hair.

The moment you hear a child laughing.

The moment you notice the birds singing.

The first mouthful of a delicious meal.

The moment you feel your heart flutter when you see someone you love.

The first sip from a glass of wine.

The moment you wake up and realise you don't have to do any work today.

Just those little moments that often just pass us by unrecognised. The more we notice these small subtle things that make our heart smile the more we connect to inner happiness.

Happiness is a decision and it comes from within. Material things won't make you happy long term, but noticing your little daily blessings will.

Speaking of Happiness, I am excited to announced that booking is now open for The Happiness Effect 2 day workshop I am running in Brighton on 15th/16th May. These dates coincide with the Brighton Festival so it's a great time to visit if you are not local.

We are offering a super early bird rate for bookings before 1st May. To find out more about the workshop and book please see The Happiness Effect or please do contact me if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend!


A Few Spring Trends 2014 & Tips How To Wear Them

  daffsI love this time of year when the days are getting longer and signs of warmer sunnier weather are here. The shops are filled with lighter, brighter clothes and we can soon think about leaving our winter coat at home.

I am going to meet a client tomorrow to go through her wardrobe to have a good clear out for Spring and assess what top up's she needs for the new season, to go with what she already has. It's a really good thing to do before going out shopping as it saves you money ensuring you only buy things you need. Also we often forget about things we have tucked away in there from last year or so. Just this morning I discovered a blouse in my own wardrobe I had nearly forgotten about :-)

The clothes in the shops this Spring are really pretty, gorgeous pastel colours, floral prints, sheer fabrics and interesting details. Following are a few of the main Spring trends 2014 and tips on how to wear them:

Pleats - pleats can be really flattering as the vertical lines with lengthen and slim. Great with a belt around the waist for a dress and a high waistband with a skirt. Good for disguising the hip area if you feel like you need to!

Pastels - if you have very deep colouring, i.e. dark brown - black hair then be careful of wearing pastels on their own by your face as they could drain you. Instead contrast them with a dark colour, find a top with light and dark colours in or just wear them on your bottom half and a stronger shade near your face.

Pink - you'll notice all shades of pink in the shops this Spring. Make sure to pick the correct shade and tone for your natural colouring. If you have warm golden undertones then a salmon or coral pink is going to be better than a fuchsia or baby pink which are better for those with cool colouring.

Florals & birds - prints are everywhere, especially of the pretty variety. With pattern taken into consideration your height and scale, for example if you are very petite then go for small prints, the taller and bigger bone structure you are the larger the size you can take. Small prints will make you look bigger if your natural scale is large and huge patterns will drown you if you are very petite. You will also see lots of artistic style prints, like paint strokes, same rules apply when choosing the scale of the print.

Sheer - I love sheer blouses for Spring time, they still give you that cover up when it's not yet warm enough to be bare armed but still feel nice and light after winter heaviness. Wearing a bandeau bra top or a vest underneath will help if you don't like to feel too exposed.

Sculptured - If this is all a bit to pretty for you and you prefer a more sleek, masculine style then you might enjoy the sculptured trend, where the lines of the clothes look like something an architect may have designed. Rather than pretty prints and lots of details, the lines are smooth but creative, perhaps a skirt with a dramatic flick at the end or a top with some folds of fabric down the side. The shape and form are the details rather than prints and embellishments.

Bomber jackets - this is THE jacket of the season, and there are some really lovely pretty feminine ones around.

Sporty  - bright colours, slogans, funky trainers, metallic touches, this is not a casual look but think more glam with a sporty touch.

White - white looks best on those with cool colouring, if you have more yellowy/ golden undertones then cream is going to be much more flattering.

Metallics - there are lots of lovely soft metallics around, I especially love them in shoes, bags and jackets. Go for gold if you are warm toned and silver if you cool undertones.

Warrior Woman - think gladiator styles, structured pieces, hardware, chain mail, black, bronze, khaki, browns. Great for warm deep colourings, for example like J Lo. The structured tough look this gives is great if you have an angular structure body line but if you are more soft and curvy it won't be the most flattering look for you. For curves think soft fluid cuts and fabrics, but you may like to wear some gladiator sandals if you fancy a bit of this trend.

If you'd like some help in discovering what will suit you, sorting through your wardrobe or going shopping please do get in touch. I travel up to London to do this so it's not limited to Brighton. [email protected]

Enjoy the Spring!

Louise x