I am going to be turning 39 in a couple of months and I was reflecting recently on what I was up to when I was 29. Ten years is a long time isn't it? It doesn't sound that long but a lot can happen.
This time ten years ago I was just setting out on my journey to work for myself. I had just trained to become an image consultant and I was in the process of setting up the site: createimage.co.uk. It doesn't even exist any more since it transformed into Create Yourself a few years later.
When I was starting out I could never have imagined ten years later I would also be a life coach, reiki healer and yoga teacher based in Brighton!
Sometimes when I coach people I find they can get hung up on choosing the perfect goal, the perfect career, the perfect partner and so on.... I am a firm believer in choosing what feels right now, in this moment, rather than worrying too much if it is still going to feel like that in a few years time. Waiting for the perfect goal can also lead to procrastination.
Once you set out on a path all sorts of unexpected things can happen to you that can lead you in a variety of directions. Also, you change, what feels right to you now may not feel so good a few years down the line and that's OK.
For example when I was thinking about a new career I spent a year exploring different types of jobs in fashion, I took a fashion media course which covered many different possible jobs. During this year I won an image consultation, whilst having that I decided I wanted to do that too!
I took a course to learn to be an image consultant and began to create my business. It was all so new to me though and the thought of promoting myself at networking events and talks filled me with dread.
Along came a boy I met in a nightclub! He introduced me to a personal development course he had done and felt it might help me with my self confidence for my business. I decided to give it a go, after all what could I loose?
The course transformed my way of looking at life and after a few more courses there I decided I want to be a life coach, to help others see the world in this inspired and empowered way too.
During a particularly busy year in 2009 I took up yoga, to give me some balance from all the running I was doing. Again this was a pivotal moment in my life, yoga completely chilled me out and bought me into the present moment. Something that had seemed elusive to me before.
My yoga journey has connected me to something much deeper, to a faith in something much bigger than myself and to feel completely at peace within myself. So it wasn't surprising that in 2012 I became a yoga teacher to add to everything else!
Can you see how it's all just flowed? Ten years ago I couldn't have imagined what I am doing now, or that I'd be living in Brighton, but I was just open to trying new things, going where my interest drew me and just giving things a go.
You don't have to have it all worked out. All you need to focus is what feels right now, in this moment. The trust the process. New people, events, opportunities will be bought into your life at just the right time for you. The trick is to be open to them and act on them.
Enjoy the journey, moment by moment.
Louise x