A Perfect Time For A Digital Detox!

Digital Detox SVG 2012 069I am so excited, I am off to a yoga festival this weekend! 3 whole days of yoga, chanting, spiritual talks and lots of dancing. It's also a perfect time for a digital detox; I am going to turn my phone off for the entire time I'm there. If you have been reading my blog for a while you may know that last year I ran a digital detox retreat in the Caribbean, it was amazing! All the guests had to hand in their technology and give up contact with the outside world for 5 days. We did diary writing on the beach before breakfast, meditation walks and had life coaching sessions gazing out to the turquoise Caribbean sea.

Why would you want to do a digital detox?

Over the years our obsession with technology, being on line constantly, has become a bit of an addiction. With access being so immediate it's easy to feel pressure to respond to messages immediately and a fear of missing out can be created if social media is not constantly checked. This all increases stress levels and can make it hard to focus on one thing at a time, reducing productivity.

Problems in relationships also occur when the person you are with is left feeling like they don't have your full attention.

Allowing yourself a break from it all and switching off will help you:

  • Sleep better
  • Focus your attention on the person/people you are with
  • Enjoy the moment
  • Relax
  • Have space to think clearly and in perspective
  • Be creative

How to prepare

It's important to prepare before the big switch off or it can cause you more stress worrying about people trying to get in touch with you.

  • Set your out of office and voice mail to say you are out of reach until X and will not be checking messages.
  • Leave an alternative emergency contact if it's a work matter and warn the person who may be contacted!
  • See if the place you are going to has a land line and give that to family just in case of emergencies, only if you feel you will be worried about that.
  • Plan beforehand to get all your important things done/ emails sent before to avoid any sudden thoughts of things you forgot to do.
  • Plan something fun to do, away from a screen....out doors if the weather is nice!

Whilst you are switched off it's a great time to contemplate your life, how you feel it is going and what you have learnt. Take a note book and pen and work through the following questions:

In the past year.... • What have I achieved? • What have I learnt? • What do I want to stop doing? • What do I want to continue doing? • What would I love to create in my life? • What do I need to do to make that happen and when am I going to do it?

How long is a good length for a detox?

If you can manage a few days you'll really get a lot of benefit from it. Initially it can be hard but once you give up the idea of checking on line all the time you relax into the moment and what you are doing.

However even a day or a few hours in the evening will help. Obviously you won't need to do all the preparation above for a short time.

Switching off a few hours before bedtime will help you sleep.

It might seem crazy even having to discuss this at all but when you look around at people on their phones, even at a dinner table or whilst walking down a busy street you can see how addicted a lot of us are!

Summer time is a perfect time for a digital detox as you are more likely to be going on holiday/ having weekends away. Take advantage of this opportunity and allow yourself the luxury to relax.


Allow Yourself To Surrender

  prayerflags2Letting go of what you most want and trusting if it's meant to be it will be, can be HARD!

Many of us are programmed to keep pushing and pushing until it happens.

Releasing attachment to something being a certain way can be a lot easier that it sounds.

However, have you ever noticed the times when you just allowed yourself to surrender, it's suddenly fallen in to place. Perhaps not in the way you imagined but in a way that brings you more joy than you could have imagined.

I have heard many true stories of people "trying" so hard for a baby but then the moment they have stopped it's happened.

The classic example is when someone is looking for a relationship, so desperate that they actually end up repelling rather than attracting.

This area is where Faith really comes into play, whether you believe in God, The Universe, Higher Consciousness and so on, belief in a high power than is working in your favour, wanting you to succeed and putting things in your pathway for your higher good. Surrendering your life to this higher power and having Faith in it's love and support for your life.

Attachment is basically fear, fear of not getting what you want in the specific way that you want it.

Attachment can in fact close off opportunities, as you can become so narrow sighted of it happening in a certain way.

I remember taking part in a course a few years ago, we all had to take on a project, something that was bigger than us and would challenge us. It was a community project, something that would have in impact on a wider scale than just ourselves. We all put our heart and souls in to our projects; we created our visions for them, planned them, recruited teams to help make them happen and then just in the last few weeks we were told to hand to project over to another leader. It was a lesson on being attached.

I loved my project, I was so proud of it, and I loved the fact I had done most of it myself until I had to hand it over! What a lesson that was. What came out of it were fresh eyes, new ideas and an even better event with both two creative minds working on it than just one.

Letting go of attachment is not giving up and doing nothing. It's being in action but without need of it ending in a certain way.

How many people go on first dates and start analysing if they could see themselves "with" the other person for a long time? Even married?

How much pressure is that to put on a date when you have only just met?!

I think this can be why it can be harder to be single when you are older, there is more attachment to it ending in a certain way, your partner being a certain "type", your relationship defined in certain terms.

What if you let go off attachment to how your relationship is going to pan out? The direction of your business? Your role at work? Looking a  certain way?

How would life be?

I suggest taking a few moments out of your day to look at what you are attached to, another way of looking at is by asking your self "what is causing me the most stress and difficulty?". When something is "hard work" there is generally come kind of attachment around it.

Write down how your vision will be when you get it, how you will feel, what you will see, what you will be saying to yourself and others to you. Say a prayer to the Universe/ Angels/ God etc asking for help. Then rip it up, let it go and do something different instead.

Trust in the process of life.

Think back to times when you have felt like this before and recall how it all worked out in the end.

Things are always working out for our highest good, it may not feel like it at the time but there is always a lesson to be learnt and something good always comes eventually even out of the darkest times.


Sometimes what is good for us is....

  Sometimes what is good for us is completely the opposite to what we think we want.

I am experiencing this at the moment. As a vinyasa flow yoga teacher, I like quite energetic, dynamic yoga full of sun salutations and asanas that challenge me. Recently I started to see a yoga teacher for 1-1 tuition and mentoring. She has given me the complete opposite, a slow, meditative practice with out a single sun salutation in sight.

It's a challenge, I consciously have to really slow my pace down every morning when I practice but it's making me feel good. I feel calmer, in actual fact I feel exhausted. I think recently I have been rushing around at such a fast pace it's helping me to slow down.

I can think of another time when something unexpected came out of something I didn't want. I had planned to go travelling with a boyfriend, I'd left my work and my home when he ended things. I decided to still go on my own and I can honestly say, thank God he didn't come! It would have been a completely different trip and I don't think it would have worked at all, our personalities travelling would have clashed. That trip transformed my life as it is today, but it might not have done had he have come along.

Life is constantly evolving and when we can learn to just flow with it's twists and turns that is where the magic happens.

Sometimes we think we want something, but that thing is just the same as what we have always done. It's not until we try something new that we can learn and grow. Experiencing something that is opposite to what we normally do, as in the case of my yoga, can bring us into a state of balance rather than extreme in one direction.

A useful (and fun) exercise is to look at your day to day routine and think about what you could change that would be completely different to what you normally do? Just one thing.

No matter how small, just try it and see what happens.

I'd love to hear about it! Comments below please :-)


How to Stay Positive When Working For Yourself

  Working for yourself is brilliant isn't it? You get to do what you love, when you want and you don't have anyone else to answer to.

It can sometimes not feel that great though. A stretch of no new enquiries, loneliness, a client doing everything they can to delay paying, lack of cash flow, work seeping over into play time.....it can happen to the best of us.

Choosing to work for yourself is never going to be the easy option, your determination and belief in what you are doing has got to be so strong nothing will break it.

It's completely life changing though, I would go as far as saying it's a spiritual experience. Faith in yourself, what you have to offer and in a grander scheme, whether you believe in God, The Universe or what ever, is a requirement.

Through my journey of creating my own business I have had many ups and downs but I've never given up, even when people have suggested maybe I should. I believe in what I do, it's my passion and you just can't beat the feeling when months of hard work are all falling into place.

I am a fan in setting intentions, as well as being similar to your goals they are also a way of focusing on a way of being. This directs how you are acting/ thinking/ speaking in different situations.

Here are my 5 top intentions for staying positive when working for yourself;

1) FAITH - Knowing that what ever happens you will be ok, everything is working out perfectly even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it. Often we are taken in directions we didn't plan for and feel like it's moving us away from what we really want but have faith it's all just perfect. You will learn what you need to learn at just the right time and what ever happens you will be ok. Everything that happens is for your highest good.

2) PATIENCE - It's easy to want to steam ahead and everything to be achieved right now, how ever sometimes other things need to happen first. Faith and patience go hand in hand. When you try to force something to happen quicker than it should you may actually end up pushing it further away from you. We don't try to pull the daffodils open in Springtime before they are ready do we? Even when we are sick of the cold bleak winter and long for some yellow sunshine in our lives. When they do finally bloom we appreciate them even more.

3) BE OPEN - Pay attention to the people that come into your life, the conversations you hear, the posters you pass by, you just never know what may be put in your path to help you towards what you want to achieve. The universe is abundant, have you ever thought about wanting something and suddenly it's appeared in a way you could not have dreamed of? I know I certainly have. If you walk around with your head down and not interacting with people who cross your path you may miss out.

4) LISTEN - Listen to your inner voice, your gut instinct, it serves you well. Sometimes thoughts suddenly pop in to our minds from nowhere or feelings deep down that can be easy to just brush off if not careful. Learning to follow that instinct and see where it takes you can lead you down path ways you never imagined. Or can keep you safe from situations that are not so good for you.

5) ACKNOWLEDGE - Acknowledge yourself and others. No matter what is going on for you right now celebrate the little things you get done each day, even if all you managed to do was just one small thing on your to do list. Acknowledge all you receive through out a day, a smile, a kind word, an offer of help and express your gratitude to people who show up in your life.  The more you acknowledge and feel gratitude for the more you will notice it.

Working for yourself can feel lonely so it's a good idea to build up a few trusted friends who are also self employed. It really helps to be able to share and support each other on your journeys. A life coach can help you keep on track with your goals too, it's kind of like having your own personal manager to hold you to account, boost your creativity and challenge you when you feel stopped. If you'd like to see how I could help you please do get in touch [email protected]



You Are Good Enough. You Do Have Enough.

  Over the years of being a life coach I have learnt that the belief "I'm not good enough" is one of the moment common ones to hold us back.

There is a fear that there are better people out there compared to us.

It's not just not being good enough but even just being enough, having enough, doing enough, saying enough.

In fact maybe this word enough should be BANNED!

Enough compared to what? Where is there a rule book of what is enough?

We are all completely unique individuals with our own special talents, gifts and beautiful qualities. The danger comes when we compare these to others.

We are not designed to be the same. If you put all your energy into forcing yourself to be like someone else, then you are not being true to yourself and you'll only ever be like a copy of them. You'll only ever go as far as they will, which completely cuts off your unique purpose in life.

The crazy thing is the person/ people you are comparing yourself to, will be comparing themselves to someone else, maybe even you.

If we are not careful our life can be driven by feeling incomplete; if we just buy those extra clothes, decorations for the house, go on the latest course then we'll feel satisfied. Do we? It can turn into an on going cycle of more more more but still feeling less.

Your soul is complete right now. You have all you need right now. You are a unique talented special individual that no one else on this planet is like. Isn't that amazing?

Just for a moment, sit down comfortably with your eyes closed and take a few long slow deep breaths. The once you feel your body has settled start to repeat to your self "I am enough, nothing is missing".

Notice how it feels.

It's the truth.


Reclaim Your Power!

sunshineI am running my third yoga workshop this weekend based on our natural energy centres, the chakras. This time we are focusing on our solar plexus which is in our stomach. The energy of the solar plexus is feeling a sense of power around who we are, what our unique gifts and talents are, having clear intentions of what we want to create in our lives and then surrendering, trusting that it will all work out just fine. If the energy is low in this area we can feel fear, doubts and others can have power over us. Compliments are brushed aside and gratitude for things we have done is dismissed. We can feel ineffectual and stuck.

If the energy is too high and our sense of self is so heightened that we feel more important than others then we can find ourselves being controlling, dominating and trying to force ourselves through life.

When our energy is balanced in this area we feel in control of our lives, we are creating what we want and we have a strong sense of who we are. We feel empowered and courageous. We acknowledge that everyone else has their own strengths and purpose in life, we respect that and in that state we can speak our truth to people with out any fear of judgement, rejection or need for control.

Deepak Chopra relates this chakra to the law of intention. That is that everything is energy and where we place our focus change occurs. For intentions to be powerful and materialise in our lives there also needs to be surrender. It's important to be very clear what your intentions are and then to let go. To trust that they will happen in their own way. When you try to force something to happen you risk pushing it further away.

When your energy is flowing through your solar plexus you have this graceful power where you know what you want in your life, you have a strong sense of self but rather than forcing things you glide effortlessly through life dealing with what ever it throws at you.

Here are a few things you can do to connect with your solar plexus:

Make a list of:

3 of your biggest achievements 3 things you are proud of yourself for 3 things you admire about yourself 3 things some you know loves about you 3 things someone you work with admires in you

Close eyes and go back to a really happy positive time, remember what you felt, saw, heard? – Then list 3 things you were saying to yourself.

Look into the future; imagine you have achieved all you want to and what you are seeing, hearing, feeling in this moment. Write down your intentions and desires & 3 things you will be saying to yourself once you have achieved them.

Take time to reflect over these words. They are all part of who you are.

Write your intention clearly somewhere, maybe on a post it note that will catch your eye through out the day.

Then surrender. Trust it's out there, you have sent the energy of your desire into the universe and trust the outcome, what ever it is.

Surrendering doesn't mean sitting back and doing nothing though, every day take at least one action towards your intention but with a sense of freedom around it, no pressure or force. Enjoy the process, enjoy each step.

We are all completely unique, like snowflakes. We all have different dreams, different gifts, different lives ahead of us. When we get caught up in comparing ourselves with others we minimise ourselves, we are simply living by someone else's dream and in that way can only ever be like them. We have our own path to live though.

Take time to connect with who you are, all your amazing qualities and know that you have a place in this world. A place to shine and to experience life at it's fullest exactly how you want it to be, not by someone else's standard.

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend!


5 Spring Cleans to Welcome in New Energy!

  It's that time of year where we are all starting to wake up. I know I am feeling this for sure; sunshine, a bit of warmth and suddenly I am filled with more energy and inspiration. It's a time for new beginnings, being in action and creation.

It's also a perfect time for a spring clean, but not just of your home. Spring cleans are the perfect opportunity to clear out the old stuff, with stale stagnant energy that no longer serves you, to make room for the new.

Here are my top 5 re-energising spring cleans that are great to do around this time;

1: Email Junk

How much time do you spend in the morning sifting through emails you don't actually read. Have you signed up for newsletters and updates that no longer interest you any more?

Make a list of the sites you read regularly, that you find interesting and stimulate your mind.

Then un-subscribe from the rest. Yes it may take a little time but think how much simpler your inbox will be in the morning plus you know that the emails you do get will actually be of interest.

2. Ex Junk

Do you still have his/her stuff hanging around the place? Do you still have text's saved just in case you want to look over them one more time? Are you still getting a running commentary of their life via Facebook? If this is causing you pain bin, delete, hide. Get rid of their stuff, as hard as it is to rip off that band aid once it's done you will be freed up to get on with your life, mentally and emotionally.

I read somewhere recently that people find it harder to deal with deleting ex's from Facebook and longer to get over because they could still search for them and view their profile anonymously. The article recommended blocking them so they don't show up in search results either.

The sooner you can clear the junk the sooner you can get over the relationship and move on. Enlist the aid of a good friend if moral support, and maybe wine, is needed!

3. Toxin Junk

Is your body jumpy and irritable from too much sugar, caffeine, or alcohol? Are you feeling bloated from consuming foods and drinks that disagree with you? Is your sleep broken and are you constantly feeling tired?

Then maybe it's time for a spring detox! Now I am no expert on detox's but from my experience cutting out caffeine, sugar, alcohol  wheat, diary and meat can leave you feeling amazing. My sleep improves, I have less cravings, I feel slimmer and emotionally balanced.

Out of all of those sugar is hardest for me, it's so addictive. Once I have gone through a few days though the cravings do lessen. It helps to replace that chocolate fix with something healthy, so you still feel like you are eating something. Seeds are a great snack, slow release and tasty of you sauté them in a bit of soy sauce and chilli.

Research, ask what has worked for friends, speak to a nutritionist (I can recommend you mine)  and find a detox that feels right for you.

4. Old Clothes Junk

We change over time, who we were 10 or even 2 years ago will have evolved. Some of the clothes in your wardrobe will no longer feel like "you". This often happens when we go through major life changes like having a baby, coming out of a relationship, getting married, relocating, starting a new career and so on. Our values shift, what is important to us changes.

Now is a great time to look through your wardrobe and ask yourself is it a true reflection of who you are now? Try on things you have not worn in a while and honestly review if they really are "you"still. Are you hanging on to them out of sentimentality?

Ditching old "stale" clothes will make room for clothes that reflect your new energy, the person you are now to shine your light into the world.

I've been busy recently helping my image clients with this, it's such an empowering and releasing exercise to do. It can also feel quite overwhelming and daunting, if you feel like you need some help please do let me know; [email protected]

5. Habits Junk

How healthy are your habits? Do you have habits that serve and support you in living the life you love or hold you back. To explore this I suggest for the next couple of days noticing what your habits are, what you do regularly without consciously thinking about. May be there is a habit that you have been wanting to shift for a while, Spring's new energy is a perfect time to do this.

It takes 21 days to build a new habit, so the trick is to think of something new, something healthy, that will positively replace your unwanted one. Then with all your will power do this daily for the next 21 days. after this time it will get easier.

If you have no habits to release, then it could still be fun to consider are there any new habits that would support you in what you want to achieve. A few healthy habits could be things like:

  1. Getting out into the fresh air every day
  2. Experiencing mindfulness daily, for example sitting outside and just watching the birds/ the sea/ a flower. A few moments of completely being in the moment.
  3. Meditation
  4. Regular exercise
  5. Fruit every day
  6. Telling someone you love them each day
  7. Planning to do something that will make you smile each day
  8. Prayer
  9. Writing down what you are grateful for each day
  10. Writing a diary

The list could go on and on! Find one that feels good for you.

Harness the energy of spring to make these changes in your life and embrace the "new" it brings towards you!

Enjoy the sunshine x



How to Get Past Procrastination and Get Into Action!!

  “Procrastination is the thief of time.”

Edward Young English poet (1683 - 1765)

I am sure I am not the only one who finds themselves some days just faffing around, with no real direction, making cups of tea, hopping from one thing to another but never really getting anything done. We all have days like this, it’s natural and sometimes it’s good just to accept it’s one of those days and allow yourself a break. However when it starts to become more like your reality of every day then you will start to realise how very true Edward Young’s quote really is. Time flies by and if you spend most of it putting things off before you know it you will have let all the things you want to achieve in your life pass you by.

The more you put things off the worse you feel about yourself or the task in hand. You either beat yourself up because you are not on track to achieving your goals or you feel more and more overwhelmed by the task you find most daunting. So why do we do it to ourselves? There are a whole number of reasons that will be personal to you but the most general ones are fear and lack of motivation.

Following are my top 7 tips to overcoming procrastination and getting yourself into action!

  1.  Is what you are doing inspiring to you? When doing something that is linked to our highest values (the feelings we want to feel on a daily basis) we have the energy and motivation for it. We will do anything to make it happen as we want to experience what is important to us. If there is no link then you won’t have any drive to make it happen. Look at your to do list and ask yourself, how can this lead me to what I most want? Until you get this your motivation levels are likely to be low.
  2. What will be the benefits of getting this task done? What will be the “pain” or consequences if you don’t get it done? Human beings are driven by pleasure and pain, we will do anything to avoid feelings that are painful to us and anything to feel good. When the consequences are bad enough and the benefits are attractive enough you will be driven into action.
  3. Overwhelm can lead us to procrastinate so break what you have to get done into small manageable chunks and plan in your diary when you are going to do each bit. Then just pick one thing. One small thing just to get you started. If you do just that then be pleased with yourself, but you never know it might just get you started to carry on with a bit more.
  4. Set rewards, if it’s something you really don’t want to do but have to, for the greater cause, then plan to treat yourself afterwards. Do something to reward yourself for getting it out of the way.
  5. Pick the thing you are most putting off and do it first. The longer you put something off the bigger it gets in your mind, the more energy you use thinking about it and the more effort it feel like it will be. I have a pet name for these tasks…..monsters! Get your monster done first and then you are free to enjoy the rest of your day. Often they are not that bad anyway, it’s just the thought of doing it that makes it worse than it really is and being in action even though you feel a bit scared is a sure fire way to raise your self confidence.
  6. Give yourself a deadline. If the thing you are putting off is not imposed on you by someone else and does not have a deadline then it’s easy to just let it slip. If you really want to get something done with urgency, set yourself a deadline and then tell people close to you about it. Our human nature of wanting to look good to others will then kick in and drive us to want to get it done on time!
  7. If there is something continuously on your to do list, something you always set goals around but you just never get there then perhaps it’s time to have a rethink? Do you actually really want to achieve it? Sometimes we set our selves goals around what we think we “should” achieve, based on other peoples values and aspirations. However, these are other people’s dreams and what is right for them might not be want you really want deep down, then you simply won’t have the drive to make it happen. Goals like this are best left to the people whose dreams they are, instead create something for yourself that really gets you excited and inspired.

Finally.... sometimes the kindest thing you can do for yourself if you are really having "one of those days" is to just go out and do something completely different instead!!! Something that you'd like to that will make you smile and really enjoy doing it. Often when we take the pressure off it happens naturally, our creative juices start to flow and our energy for what ever it is returns. If it doesn't then, as above, is it really something you want to be doing anyway?

Have a great weekend!

What Feels Right For You?

Life Coaching Blog

iphone pics 077I experimented with something new this week, writing my blog every day. As I sit here to write my last post of the week I have to say I don't think realistically I will be able to keep it up. I enjoyed it, I love a challenge, but come to day 5 and it's felt like it is something I "have" to do than really feel inspired to do.

So from next week I am going to go with what feels right for me, and that is to post when I feel really inspired to share something with you. Like I am now. Who know's it might end up being every day anyway :-)

When something feels right for you it just flows. It's not hard work. It's fun.

There is no tension, no resistance, no worry. It just feels right.

Tapping into how something feels for you is such a useful tool. I have had experiences in work, friendships and relationships where something hasn't felt right. The times I have ignored this continuing anyway I have ended up looking back and wishing I had just paid attention to those inner feelings. We learn through those times though so there is nothing to regret.

It can be easy to think once you have started something you have to go through with it or can't turn back. Of course you can. We are only on this planet for a short period of time and if something isn't causing you happiness why waste any more time on it?

When you take the seriousness out of life and see it merely as a game, an adventure then you can begin to really play.

So as we come to the end of our working week what game are you going to play this weekend? What do you really feel like doing? Our time can get caught up with doing things we should do rather than what we really want to. What could you do to make this weekend pleasurable for you?

This isn't being selfish. By loving and taking care of yourself you will be better equipped to help and be loving to those around you.

Have a lovely weekend.


What Are Your Rules To Make You Feel Good?

Life Coaching

Consciously or unconsciously we all have rules about what has to happen for us to feel good. For us to feel our highest values, those feelings that are more important to us for example:










..........the list is endless, but we all have a few that we'd really like to experience on a daily basis.

Over time we have developed rules of what has to happen for us to feel our values. A good example is love. Take a few minutes now to consider what has to happen for you to feel love. A good starting point is to ask yourself, how do you know when someone loves you?

This is a great exercise to do with a partner, if you have one, or someone you spend a lot of time with that you love, this could be family or friends. Often our rules for feeling loved are very different from each others and you will show you love someone in the way that you experience it. So say you like to be told and your partner likes to know you make time for him/her. Then say you don't have that much time, you have a busy life,  but you make sure you tell him/her that you love them a lot, so they must know right? However, they may not experience that feeling of love because they do not feel like you are making time for them, even though you tell them you love them all the time.

Next think about another of your top values, what has to happen for you to feel that?

Look at your rules; how easy, on a scale of 1-10, have you made it to feel good?

Notice if what has to happen is external from you. Do you need others to tell you? Do you need others to show you? Is your feeling good reliant on what someone else does.

This is the trap we can fall into if we are not careful. We look externally to feel good, when actually we have it all within us to feel how we wish to feel on a daily basis. When you are looking outside, you are giving your power away to others and to circumstance. Plus it's a lot of pressure for the people involved to be responsible for your feelings, only you are and taking control of this gives them freedom too.

It is possible to change your rules, after all you made them up in the first place!! How about making up new rules that make it really easy to feel good when ever you want?

Start them off by saying "Any time I........." Some examples could be:

Any time I think of the people (and animals) I love, I feel loved.

Any time I think of all I have achieved in my life I feel successful.

Any time I walk in outside and pay attention to nature, I feel abundance.

Any time I think of all the options I have and choices I can make I feel freedom.

Any time I think of all I have in my life I feel happy.

Allow yourself time to work through all your highest values in this way and you will be empowering yourself feel good when ever you want!

Have a great weekend.



Be Aware of Your Body

Life Coaching be aware of your body

As you are reading this start bring your awareness into your body. Start to notice any sensations, maybe an itch, a smell, a pain, a tense area, your heart beating. How are you feeling? What emotions are present.

With both feet firmly planted on the floor close your eyes and just allow yourself to stop to really come into your body for a few minutes. Allow your self the time to explore.

OK so if you are reading this I am guessing you have finished and opened your eyes :-)

How often do you allow yourself time to do that? To really be aware of your body? We are often so caught up in our minds, in the past or the future. Stopping and really experiencing your body, how your feet feel touching the ground, what sensations are there helps us to be in the present moment.

Our emotions are in our body, think about the times when you have felt stressed or completely different, in love. You feel it in your body somewhere, you have sensations. We can tell a lot about our emotional state through how our body is. Illness or pain is often a symptom of something we have been ignoring or simply not hearing.

Our body, breath and mind are all inextricably linked, you change one and it impacts the others. To experiment try the following things when you are experiencing some kind of problem, stress or difficulty;

1) Allow your self time to stop, inhale deeply and then make the exhale 3 times as long. Repeat this ten times and notice any changes.

2) If you are feeling down and heavy, skip. Skip around the room, down the road, where ever you can, and notice the changes in your state.

3) Lie on the floor and put your legs up against the wall, close your eyes and again notice any changes to how you feel.

Stuart Heller once said "We move through space like we move through life". Next time you are walking down the street pay attention to how you walk. Is it heavy, light, direct and purposeful, indirect, fluid, slow, fast, are you within yourself or looking around at the people passing by you?

Then consider how does this relate to how you are in your life?

For example I have a habit of walking very quickly, fast and direct, most of the time. However I always am looking around at the people passing me by, as a result I am forever bumping into people I know, which is nice! In the rest of my life I do have a tendency to do things quickly, to be quite driven and also to be interested in other people. There are benefits to this and also downsides. Sometimes I am can do things way too quickly and am not fully in the moment savouring every experience. Knowing this means I can consciously slow down my movements, slow my pace down which then slows my mind down and brings me into a state of calm.

Becoming aware of your body is becoming self aware, to make changes in your life you can start by making changes to how you move your body.


5 Ways To Feel Good, Even In January!

Feel good Life Coaching tips

There is sunshine out there, you just can't see it yet!

I am not sure about you but I find this time of the year can be the hardest to get through. The excitement of Christmas has passed, it's cold, dark and no one seems to be in the mood to have any fun. If you are not careful it can all get quite depressing!

If you are not fortunate enough to be escaping to sunnier climes following are a few suggestions on how to lift your spirits and feel good;



1) If you are feeling stuck in a low place ask yourself "what will make me feel better?". It sounds simple but often when we are feeling down, we think about why we are feeling down and it spirals downwards out of control. Instead switch this around by asking yourself what will make you feel better and do that. Love yourself enough to do what makes you feel good.

2) In fact, stop right now and make a list of 50 things that make you smile.  Maybe things you haven't done since you were a kid, they are often still what brings you joy. Make most of them achievable things that you can start to plan into your life, daily or weekly. I did this once whilst reading "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron, the idea was that you were then to take yourself off on an "Artists Date" each week. I was in the middle of a tough break up at the time and this really lifted my spirits; I took my self off to art galleries, I baked cakes and I even went to a roller disco!

3) Look at your list of things you have planned to do and ask yourself if there are any "should do's" in there. You know, the things you don't really want to do but you feel you should. Then cancel them all. Set an intention for the next month to do only the things you want to do. Our life gets so full of doing things that we don't really want to do, we feel obliged, we don't want to let people down. Well now is the time to take care of yourself and do what you really want. In fact, when you are doing something out of obligation you won't be giving your true gorgeous wonderful energy to it anyway and others can pick up on that.

If it's reluctance for exercise (which can be the case in these cold months) find something that you enjoy rather than what you think you should do as it's good for you. There are so many ways of moving your body it doesn't have to be in a way that fills you with dread. Aside from my love of yoga I also really recommend Zumba in these winter months, it's so fun to dance around like crazy for an hour to light hearted music and you can't help but laugh your way through it.....which is also good for you too!

4) Invite a friend out for tea, eat the biggest most delicious slice of home made cake you find and share stories. You could even each bring 3 photos of the times in your life you have loved the most so far and then share those stories with each other. Taking about great times will remind you of all the good feelings and experiences you have had in the past (which also makes you feel them again) and that there are more on the horizon.

5)Drop the grasping and start allowing. Stop trying so hard to make things happen, when we get into a state of striving we often end up doing the opposite and pushing what we want away from us. (A perfect example is when you want someone to like you, the more you try to force it the more they run away!). In our minds we have a limited number of ways we think our dreams will happen but the Universe has an infinite number of possibilities. When you notice yourself acting from a place of fear and desperation bring yourself back to love, do all of the above, do things that bring you joy and have faith that there where you are at right now is perfect. In this space of allowing you will be open to noticing the gifts the Universe gives you.

I'd love to hear how you chase away the January blues, please do add your comments to help others who may be reading this and feeling a bit low.

Lots of love


PS If you have been considering have some life coaching with me you have 7 days left to make the most of my January offers!

Often we can only get so far doing it on our own, we set goals, we read helpful books, we make a bit of progress then all of a sudden we can find ourselves stopped. Maybe doubts or fears have crept in or simply motivation has disappeared. This is where my professional skills as a life coach can support you further in making the changes you desire. Please do get in touch if you have any questions; 07779 150886/ [email protected]

Coaching can be done over Skype, in London or Brighton areas.


Life Coaching willpower

Life Coaching Willpower

Happy New Year!

I hope you had lovely time over Christmas and the New Year celebrations. I know it's often not the best of times; we are reminded of who is not with us any more, what has not worked out so well over the past year and any kind of other lack can feel like it's put in the spotlight.

The past couple of years have created lots of upheaval and unplanned change for many of us. Through these times though we have grown and have had the opportunity to connect with who we really are and to discover what is important to us. 2013 is a year for love and abundance. Many of us have read about the law of attraction and manifestation over the years, now is the time to use it fully and have the power to create what we want in our lives. Love and abundance are part of the energetic shift that was going on in December, which many people spoke about being the end of the world because the Mayan calender ended. This of course wasn't the case but just an opening for new energy to come down to our planet. It's up to us what we do with it, we can ignore it and carry on as usual or we can choose to utilise it.

Use this brilliant time to be loving to yourself and every being you come in contact with. Use it to set your intentions for the year and to spend time thinking about what you'd like to create in your life. Be aware of not being attached to your dreams, set your desires free and trust what ever happens will be for your highest good.

Around this time of year people think about things they want to give up or begin, i.e. New Year Resolutions! I read in The Metro this week that a study shows that 4 out of 10 people will break any resolutions they set with in 2 weeks! Half of them blame lack of willpower for this.

Willpower muscle

I regard willpower as one of the most important muscles we have. If you work on strengthening it you will be able to achieve anything you put your mind to. Following are my top 5 tips to strengthen your willpower!

  1. What ever habit you want to start doing do it for 21 days and it will then become easier. It takes 21 days to create new neural pathways and thus create a habit.
  2. Give yourself choice. Spend time to think about what is most important to you in your life, what you are committed to and then when ever you are being tempted ask yourself does it fit in with that? It is in alignment with what you want for your life? If not then you have a choice, you can either do it anyway and accept that you have or you can stick to what is important for you. For example I am committed to being an inspiring yoga teacher for my students, there are some days when I may not be in the mood to practice or perhaps just want to pig out on  unhealthy food. So when faced with temptation I have a choice. More often than not I will choose yoga and a healthy diet but every now and then I choose the latter, and just enjoy it for what it is.
  3. Take any negatives out of your language. If you tell yourself "I will not eat chocolate today" your mind does not hear the not! Have you found the nights you go out saying "I'm not going to drink tonight" are the nights you end up with a bad hangover the next morning? Instead tell yourself how you would like to be instead, eg "I fill my body with healthy energising foods" or "I am clear headed, refreshed and revitalised".
  4. Freedom is one of my highest values so any kind of discipline used to send me running for the hills. However I have since learnt that discipline is actually the path to true freedom. For example, one aspect of freedom to me is to be able to travel how ever if I am not disciplined with my money and health I won't be able to do that. Following a discipline such as yoga, martial arts, tai chi, meditation will help you to strengthen your willpower, which then gives you the freedom to do what you want in your life.
  5. What ever it is you want to do, just start it. Often the biggest set back is getting started but once you have and you build momentum it will become easier.


Willpower notes

Something else I find helpful to keep my intentions in mind is to stick post it notes every where! "I am healthy and full of energy", "I look after myself", "I live every day abundantly", "I am love and courage", "I eat and drink only what is good for me" .....and so on.


Willpower Events

Just to let you know I am running some special offers this month to help you kick start your New Year, click here to see them all.


Love and abundance to you all xx

How To Strengthen Your Willpower

Happy New Year! I hope you had lovely time over Christmas and the New Year celebrations. I know it's often not the best of times; we are reminded of who is not with us any more, what has not worked out so well over the past year and any kind of other lack can feel like it's put in the spotlight.

The past couple of years have created lots of upheaval and unplanned change for many of us. Through these times though we have grown and have had the opportunity to connect with who we really are and to discover what is important to us. 2013 is a year for love and abundance. Many of us have read about the law of attraction and manifestation over the years, now is the time to use it fully and have the power to create what we want in our lives. Love and abundance are part of the energetic shift that was going on in December, which many people spoke about being the end of the world because the Mayan calender ended. This of course wasn't the case but just an opening for new energy to come down to our planet. It's up to us what we do with it, we can ignore it and carry on as usual or we can choose to utilise it.

Use this brilliant time to be loving to yourself and every being you come in contact with. Use it to set your intentions for the year and to spend time thinking about what you'd like to create in your life. Be aware of not being attached to your dreams, set your desires free and trust what ever happens will be for your highest good.

Around this time of year people think about things they want to give up or begin, i.e. New Year Resolutions! I read in The Metro this week that a study shows that 4 out of 10 people will break any resolutions they set with in 2 weeks! Half of them blame lack of willpower for this.

I regard willpower as one of the most important muscles we have. If you work on strengthening it you will be able to achieve anything you put your mind to. Following are my top 5 tips to strengthen your willpower!

  1. What ever habit you want to start doing do it for 21 days and it will then become easier. It takes 21 days to create new neural pathways and thus create a habit.
  2. Give yourself choice. Spend time to think about what is most important to you in your life, what you are committed to and then when ever you are being tempted ask yourself does it fit in with that? It is in alignment with what you want for your life? If not then you have a choice, you can either do it anyway and accept that you have or you can stick to what is important for you. For example I am committed to being an inspiring yoga teacher for my students, there are some days when I may not be in the mood to practice or perhaps just want to pig out on  unhealthy food. So when faced with temptation I have a choice. More often than not I will choose yoga and a healthy diet but every now and then I choose the latter, and just enjoy it for what it is.
  3. Take any negatives out of your language. If you tell yourself "I will not eat chocolate today" your mind does not hear the not! Have you found the nights you go out saying "I'm not going to drink tonight" are the nights you end up with a bad hangover the next morning? Instead tell yourself how you would like to be instead, eg "I fill my body with healthy energising foods" or "I am clear headed, refreshed and revitalised".
  4. Freedom is one of my highest values so any kind of discipline used to send me running for the hills. However I have since learnt that discipline is actually the path to true freedom. For example, one aspect of freedom to me is to be able to travel how ever if I am not disciplined with my money and health I won't be able to do that. Following a discipline such as yoga, martial arts, tai chi, meditation will help you to strengthen your willpower, which then gives you the freedom to do what you want in your life.
  5. What ever it is you want to do, just start it. Often the biggest set back is getting started but once you have and you build momentum it will become easier.


Something else I find helpful to keep my intentions in mind is to stick post it notes every where! "I am healthy and full of energy", "I look after myself", "I live every day abundantly", "I am love and courage", "I eat and drink only what is good for me" .....and so on.


Just to let you know I am running some special offers this month to help you kick start your New Year, click here to see them all.


Love and abundance to you all xx

Give From The Heart

Life coaching Give from the heart

Happy Christmas!

Christmas is a time for giving isn't it? Although it can also be a time for feeling like you have to give when you don't particularly want to, or have the  time or money to, or maybe that all you are doing is giving but not receiving anything in return. Baaaaa Humbug!

Is giving really worth it when you are in that frame of mind?

Life coaching: Received wisdom

When I was away this year in India, a good friend said to me "I bet you receive a lot in your life" after noticing how regularly I was spending in his crystal shop. I flippantly replied something like "not yet, all I do is give, hopefully one day it will come back to me!" thinking about the amount of purchases I had been making during my entire trip.

When I got home that evening I had a realisation that I am constantly receiving, I have received so much in my life it's untrue. So many amazing things have happened to me, so many people have given me wonderful things, their love, energy and time. I instantly felt ashamed I has reacted so quickly the way I had, I think I was just caught up in shoppers guilt at the time!

I went back the next day to correct my reply and to thank him for the gift of that realisation. You see, again I had received something.

Often what we receive does not come from the same source we have given to. How many unexpected events, gifts, kind words have come to you when you were least expecting them?

I spoke to a friend the other day who was feeling a little depleted from so much giving at work but not getting anything in return. After our conversation she thanked me for helping her to realise all the other people in her life, outside from work, who have given to her this week.

The spiritual law of giving and receiving is that the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Consider your breath for example. Try breathing in then holding your breath for as long as possible. Notice how uncomfortable it feels to hold on to something that is supposed to be released. The same discomfort comes from breathing out and holding your breath, not allowing yourself to take in what is naturally yours.

Any time we are holding on to something, maybe feeling a sense of lack, it doesn't feel good. These negative feelings will have an impact on your energy, your thoughts, your emotions and your physical body.

Life coaching: Give unconditionally

When you give unconditionally from your heart it is a joyful experience. Giving does not have to be about money as we so often believe it is. It could be your time, your words, your kindness, your wisdom anything that is for the highest good of the other being.

Yes Christmas can feel a bit like a commercial opportunity at times but what it really is about is love. Love and connection.

So this Christmas give from the heart. What ever you can give it unconditionally with out expecting anything in return and enjoy the magic unfold. In fact continue this way from this moment forward, it's simply our natural way of being.

Thank you for reading my blog this year, I am grateful for every single one of you that reads it!

Lots of love


Allow Yourself The Gift of Reflection

Self Reflection

As we are speeding towards Christmas time it's easy to get caught up with all the extra social events, late nights, over indulgence and before you know it you are waking up on 1st January bleary eyed wondering what's next (and where are the pain killers)?!

This year give yourself the gift of reflection, the luxury of taking a few moments to yourself to think about how the year has gone and what you would like to create next. Often at Christmas the focus is on everyone else, which is lovely, however it's also important to take care of yourself and your needs too.

I have created an exercise to help you review 2012, to reflect how it's gone and what you have learnt. Allow yourself half an hour out of your schedule, find somewhere peaceful, have a notebook at the ready, close the door, light a candle and get comfortable.


To begin with sit in a comfortable cross legged position, on cushions if need be, place your hands in your lap and close your eyes. Take this time to centre yourself, to ground yourself to the earth's energy below you and connect with the energy of the universe above you. As you inhale imagine drawing the energy from the ground up your spine to your heart centre, repeat this 5 times. Next as you inhale imagine pulling energy down from the heavens through the top of your head down to your heart centre, repeat this 5 times.

Once you have done this, simply sit in silence for a few moments paying attention to the natural rise and fall of your breath. When you feel ready slowly flutter your eyes open.


Ask yourself what you are grateful for from your experience of 2012. Really take time to explore this, aim to come up with at least 50 things.

What went well?

In your diary write your best experiences of 2012 in as much detail as possible, remembering what you saw, how you felt, what you could hear (including what others were saying and what you were saying to yourself) and smell. Really relive it in your journal.

What did you learn?

Through good and difficult times there is always and opportunity to learn. Reflect now on the situations that didn't go so well, what did you learn from them? Don't forget to also learn from what went well. Every experience given to us is a lesson in something.

Review the areas of your life

Take a few minutes to rate your happiness levels in each area of your life, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being 100% happy);




Personal Development

Fun & Recreation

Spiritual & Contribution


Friends & Family


Looking at your scores allow yourself a moment to consider what changes you might like to make in 2013 any of the lower scoring areas.

What might you do differently?

As you go into a new year considering all you have learnt what could you do differently moving forward?

Take some time thinking about creating an intention for the year ahead. What are you going to create? How are you going to be around that? Write this down as if you already have created it, this will help you to make it happen.

For example "It's Springtime, I am running a yoga retreat in a beautiful place in the countryside. My guests are enjoying yoga, relaxing healing treatments and have the opportunity to create their lives through life coaching. The intention for the retreat is fun, love and creation."


Finally sitting down comfortably with your eyes closed and create a picture in your mind of what you would like to create. Visualize how you are being, what you are doing, saying, hearing, seeing, and how you are feeling. Really paint this picture in your minds eye. Once you have created a strong picture take it in your hands and place it into your heart. Feeling your body absorbing it into every cell and then project that image into your future. See yourself there in the future as it happens.

Take a moment to say thank you to the universe for helping you to make it happen. When you are ready open your eyes.


My Gift To You

I would really like to help you create your vision, to create a life you really love. From now until the end of January I have some special offers for coaching with me to help you make this happen;

6 x 1 hour coaching sessions

Over Skype - £45 per session (£270 total was £300)

By the seaside in Brighton - £54 per session (£324 total was £360)

In London - £66 per session (£396 total was £420)

One 2 hour booster coaching session to create and plan your goals for 2013

Over Skype - £75 (was £100)

By the seaside in Brighton - £85 (was £120)

In London - £95 (was £140)

A Create Yourself Day!

Why not treat yourself to a whole day with me to create and prepare yourself for your year ahead?

A Create Yourself Day will include:

A 2 hour yoga session

A healing Reiki treatment

A delicious healthy lunch.

Coaching to create your goals, plan them and work on any ways to thinking that might hold you back from achieving them. The coaching will be split up through out the day and will include time by the sea. I feel being close to the sea really helps you to get things into perspective and your creative juices flowing.

A guided yoga nidra (yogic sleep) session to fully relax you and send your intentions out into the universe.

At a special price of £268 (usually £340)

These offers are valid up until 31st January. Please email me if you would like to take advantage of these great deals or ask any questions; [email protected]


How to Live Every Day Abundantly

I have recently completed a 21 day meditation course with Deepak Chopra on Abundance, which explored what it actually is and how live every day abundantly. Since starting it new work opportunities have flowed to me, my sense of connection to the universe has strengthened and any thoughts around lack have faded away. I can't recommend this course enough!  If you'd like to take part it in yourself you can download it here.

Today I would like to share with you a few things I learnt from the course exploring how to live every day abundantly.


To notice abundance pay attention to nature

The universe is abundant; take time to notice the sunlight sparkling on the water, the birds building their nests, the trees gracefully swaying in the wind, the rain falling to nourish hydrate the land, flowers opening to the sunlight. Nature doesn't feel a sense of lack, it simply evolves moment by moment. Take time daily to be present and notice all the beauty and magic that surround us.

Only you have the power to stop abundance in your life

Your thoughts are the only obstacles to living abundantly day by day. Scarcity, lack and fear will hold you back from appreciating all you have in your life right now.  Take time to pay attention to what you have in your life, what you are grateful for. Ask yourself if you were living abundantly what would you be doing differently? If you have faith all your needs would be provided for how would you be acting? Then do that!

Affirmations, prayer, meditation, intention, taking action towards your dream will all help you keep in a positive abundant mindset.

Change your expectations

What you expect is likely to become your reality. If you expect life to be hard it will be! What abundant expectations could you create? "Money flows to me", "All I need is provided for", "There is an infinite source of abundance", "Everything I want in my life already exists I just have to access it".

What you want it already out there; love, money, happiness, freedom. Take time to go within, meditate and connect with the infinite source.

Give away what you want the most

You want love? Give love. You want more money? Give away some money. Giving away what you want the most will trick your mind into feeling like you have it to be giving it away so you will start to experience what it feels like to have it and this will help you to attract it.

We are all connected

So often if someone in your life gets something you would like for yourself you can be left with a sense of there won't be enough of it left for you. "They have it so that means I won't be able to". The universe is abundant, there is enough for everyone. We are all part of one pure consciousness, others wins are ours too.

The power of meditation

Taking time to go with in and dream of all you want to create in your life will help to send your intention out to the universe, it will help you to notice ways of making it happen through out your day to day life. When you connect to your centre, you feel a sense of peace, that all is well. Which it is, it's just our busy mind that makes us think otherwise!

Pay attention to gifts

What do you perceive as a gift? Pay attention to all the gifts that are bestowed to you each day. The gift of sight, hearing, intelligence, the food you have to eat, the opportunities you are given, the time someone makes for you. What gifts do you have to share with others? When you really think about it everything is a gift, even what you make perceive as negative can be a gift to learn and grow.

Value yourself enough to experience luxury

Do you value yourself enough to take a long soak in a bath, go out for tea (and eat a huge piece of cake!) with a friend, to spend the afternoon walking along the beach, in the cinema. Luxury does not have to be expensive, it's those little things that make yourself and others feel valued.

Pay attention to the choices you make

Are the choices and decisions you make always for your highest good? Take time to think about how you make them and how to ensure they are supporting you in what you want for your life.


These are just a few things I enjoyed from the course, like I said above I really recommend it! If you have any thing to share about how you live your life abundantly I would love to hear it, please comment below.


Namaste x



Learn To Switch Off

I was listening to an interview on Hay House Radio the other day with John Gray, the author of the best selling book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. He was talking about stress and how men and women deal with it differently. He was talking about a test where men and women had the blood flow to their brain measured whilst sitting on the sofa after a day's work. Women had more brain activity showing than men. When asked what the women were thinking about they generally said something like  "all the things I should be doing other than sitting here". The men mostly said "nothing".

Unfortunately it's just in our make up that women find it harder to switch off. Gray was saying that once the sun has gone down and the work day is over, when nothing more can be done until the next day men can often just relax more easily. Women on the other hand will keep thinking about it all.

So what can we do to help ourselves switch off. Men if you are still reading, take some notes so you can help the women in your life!

1) Brain dump. We all love a list! Before you finish work for the day write down everything that needs to be done the next day and prioritise the things you need to do first. That way you are left with a sense of being organised for the morning, it stops you from leaving in a rush and needing to think about it when you would rather be to be switching off.

2) Plan something completely different to do in the evening, that is preferably relaxing as well. Maybe some yoga, pilates, art class or a meditation group. Something that will help you to think about something completely different.

3) Cut down on alcohol. I know some of you will be disagreeing with me right now as a glass of wine feels like it actually helps you to switch off. But does it really? Do you drink wine and then just talk about what you are stressed about all night anyway? The high sugar content in alcohol can lead to insomnia, or a very disturbed sleep, which will make you feel worse in the morning. Lack of clear head the next day could then make your day even harder work and it then becomes a never ending cycle.

4) Try reading instead of watching TV. Some times its very easy just to stare at a TV but not actually pay any attention, getting lost in thoughts elsewhere. However when you are really stuck into a good book your mind can be totally transported in to another world and time can just fly by.

5) Turn your computer/ smart phone off. The constant need to check emails and social media sites is totally addictive and we can find it hard not to reply to messages immediately. If they are work messages they can wait until the morning, be firm with yourself, you deserve a life too. Life balance is important for your health, and sanity!

6) Already mentioned above but worth a point all of it's own too, exercise. Exercise what ever form works for you helps to get you out of your mind into your body. Of course I will promote yoga as it really does help you to connect with your body and breath which naturally helps you to relax. However I also love Zumba, focusing on what steps to take next and the fun dance music will not leave any space for thoughts about your day.

Just for the next week look at you diary and plan something different for the evenings, something that will help you to switch off for a few hours. Then pay attention to any shifts in how you feel this creates.

Bring Some Lightness To Your Day!

Life can get so serious some times can't it? All these "should's" we put on our selves, or take on from others. Worries about money or what may or may not happen in the future. Fears about failing. Being bothered about what other people are going to think. Over analysis about how are relationships are working out. The list is endless.

Where has all the fun gone?! They have even created laughter yoga classes now to remind us how to laugh!!! (They are actually very funny).

Can you notice the connection between everything in that list?

It all comes from our minds. It's our thoughts that make things so serious.

So what if you fail? As Thomas Edison once said about inventing the light bulb "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

So what if you don't do what you feel you "should?" Is the world going to fall down around you?

So what if people make a judgement about you? You can be sure it will be linked to how they feel about themselves anyway.

So what if you can't buy that new outfit or new thingymajiggy for your house. At least you have somewhere to lay your head at night.

I was listening to an interview with the woman who invented Spanx pants the other day, Sara Blakely. She was speaking about the gift her father gave her whilst she was growing up, the gift knowing it is OK to fail. He used to ask her and her siblings what had they failed at each week, and when they said what it was he would give them a high five! How wonderful is that? Growing up with this mind set encouraged her just to try things out with no fear if they worked or not, and now she is a billionaire thanks to her invention Spanx.

It's time to lighten up!


Smile at strangers, it's contagious.

Jump for joy at every great thing that happens in your day!

Skip down the road, I guarantee it will make you and others laugh!

Play games.

Be silly.

Have a food fight.

Do what ever it takes to bring some laughter into your life.

You have a choice how you choose to be in any given situation. Even a funeral can be turned in to a joyous celebration of your loved ones life if you choose to make it that way.

I heard a great quote recently. "Life happens FOR you, not against you." There is a gift in every situation, if you look deeply enough you will see there is always something to learn, something good to take away from it.

Just for today let go of any pressures, burdens, "should's" and worries....I bet this time next year if asked you what they were you would not remember them anyway.

Give yourself permission to lighten up and smile. This is your day.



The Power of Your Thoughts…. Part 2

One week on and here are the results of my Big Apple Experiment. I have to say it was an interesting exercise to do, it’s not in my nature to think hateful thoughts and I don’t often experience anger so for most of the week I simply ignored the hate apple, every now and then telling it how horrible it was. Then feeling quite guilty, so sending that guilt to it too! Until just the day before I was going to finish the experiment when I had the most frustrating phone call. You know the ones where you are passed around and the person on the other end of the line is faking compassion but not really helping at all. Well after I got off the call I off loaded all of my annoyance on to the poor apple….that is when the poor thing really took a turn for the worse. I am sure you can guess which apple is which. The love apple is the least mouldy one.

If you’d like to see other peoples results you can see them via Nikki Owen’s (who created this experiment) facebook page.

How amazing is this to show the effect our thoughts have? As I mentioned last week an apple has the same % of water content in it as a human being.

If feelings of guilt, hatred, anger, frustration rot an apple what effect is it happening on us and those we direct it too?

We all have an awareness that love and gratitude make us (and those around us) feel good, they make our heart sing and our energy rise.

I read a great quote by Wayne Dyer this morning who write extensively about the power of your thoughts and intention;

“If you become what you think about, and you’re thinking about what’s wrong with the world and how angry, ashamed and fearful you are, it stands to reason that you’ll act on those thoughts and become what you are thinking about.”

A great practice every day is to spend a few minutes in mindful meditation thinking about all that you are grateful for. The deeper you look into what you are grateful for the more you find. For example the food you have to eat; give thanks to all the people who grew and produced it for you, who delivered it to the shops, the people who opened the shops and served you so that you could buy it, the money you had to pay for it, your health to be able to go buy it, the equipment you have in your kitchen to prepare it, the light you have in your home to see make it, the goodness the food gives you, being able to have a choice about what you have to eat……you get the idea.

It’s so easy to fall in to thinking about lack, what you don’t have, what is not good enough but doing this simply magnifies it and becomes your reality.

As well as gratitude thinking about those you love it a lovely daily thing to do. Personally I like to sit in a comfortable cross legged position, with my hands in prayer at my heart centre. I allow a little air pocket in between my palms and start to fill it up with thoughts of all the people and animals I love, when it is full to the brim I slowly open up my fingers like flower petals and visualise sending that love out to all of them.

Just two nice little daily routines to fill you with love and gratitude.

Enjoy your day xx