The chakra system as a tool for self reflection & awareness

In Yoga, we are offered many tools for getting to know ourselves better and practices to help make changes to aspects of our behaviours, habits and patterns that are no longer serving us. After receiving and practising Reiki for over 10 years I have found the Chakra system to be one of these systems.

As with the Chinese Five Element system, the Chakras give a map to explore the different aspects of our lives and how we are doing in them, physically, mentally and emotionally.

It begins with the basics, Muladhara Chakra, our most important needs for survival and security. Am I getting my basic needs met? Do I feel stable, secure and connected in this very moment? Do I have the strength and power to move through life?

Once the basic needs are met there is an exploration of what do I like, and what do I hate? What am I drawn towards and what repulses me? Desire is born from Svadistana Chakra. Sexually energy rises. Creativity blossoms. Am I doing what feels good to me or am I always putting everyone else’s needs before my own? Is this energy flowing through my life or is there a feeling of being stuck?

If your digestion is constantly troubled these Eastern systems help is to look more holistically at why this is, rather than taking some peppermint oil as recommended by doctors for IBS. The Stomach and Spleen meridians and the Manipura Chakra both govern digestion and the emotions associated with them are worry versus contentment and hope. It makes sense that if we are churnings things around in our head our energy is up there rather than down in the body helping to process the food. The Manipura chakra is links to our sense of personal power, feeling confident in who we are in the world, not in a forceful way but quietly.

From there the journey continues through the Heart, Throat, Third Eye and finally the Crown. Taking time to learn and explore the concepts of the Chakras can provide a framework for journaling, meditation and what movement practice to do to help stimulate which energy centre you wish to work on. Even if you are not sure whether you believe in the Chakras or not it’s a helpful system for reflection and inspired change.

The aim is to find balance and to be able to move past anything that no longer serves us. The first step to do this is to be aware of it.

I am excited to be running a new Chakra course in the New Year in two different formats to choose between. The first will be purely online, a series of 7 Tuesday evenings (11st January to 22nd February) dedicated to exploring each of the 7 main Chakras, then two optional workshops on a Saturday (5th March), This course can be done by anyone who has an interest in this and there will also be a version for Yoga teachers to be able to do it as a 35 hour CPD course.

The second option is 4 days in person from 31st March at Revitalise in Brighton if you’d like to take it as a non residential retreat.

We are opening bookings for these soon, please email me to register your interest; [email protected]