There's a solar eclipse tomorrow!

Tomorrow morning, around 8.30/9am there is going to be a solar eclipse, this also ties in with the new moon (which is also a super moon as it's closest to the Earth) and the Spring equinox. Apart from being pretty to cool to watch (through special glasses/ your smart phone camera etc to be safe) what does this mean? Well I am no astrologer but I do experience a link between how I am feeling and what is going on with the planets. I am always amazed when I read up about the energy of each full moon for example and can relate so much of what the astrologers write about.

A great site to read up on what is going on in the skies right now is: Mystic Mamma.

I take what feels relevant for me and regarding tomorrows eclipse it certainly feels like a time for new beginnings and letting go of the past. What I have experienced this week are deep seated fears that are emerging from my subconscious that are no longer relevant any more, yet they are still there. Thankfully I am recognising them and not allowing them to control the way I am being in the moment. I think it's a poignant time though as the sun comes out from the darkness to acknowledge these fears and let them go once and for all. Then to set a new intention, a way of being to replace that.

I am sharing this with you in case you have also been experiencing this too. Tomorrow is a perfect time for doing a ritual, praying, meditating and generally focusing on what you want to create in your life.  It doesn't matter what time you do it, it doesn't have to be in the morning when the eclipse is.

My ritual is going to be:

  • Write down what I am letting go of
  • Burn it
  • Create my intention, repeat it silently 3 times after sitting in meditation for a while and then set it free. There are different ways of doing this but I like to pray for a while then imagine putting it in my hands whilst they are in a prayer position, and then slowly opening my fingers and seeing it float away.
  • I will also practice Yoga Nidra (Nidra means sleep) to powerfully set my intention. During Yoga Nidra you lie down, relax and listen to the guided relaxation and visualisation, it's wonderful. James Jewel is great at Yoga Nidra, if you have Spotify you can listen to his on there.

Remember your experience of your life is down to you, how you choose to perceive it, react to it and be in it. Your past does not have to dictate to you any more.

Connect to how you would like your life to be, focus on that and create it.

