7 Ways to Nourish Your Heart this Summer

I was just about to sit down to write this, I had got the “7 ways” down, then I realised my meditation class was about to start. I was about to not bother joining it as my head was saying “you are in the zone now, get on with writing” but my heart gently reminded me that this is exactly what I am writing about!

We are now in the season of the Heart Qi, the Fire Element, in Chinese Medicine. The heart is about connection, all kinds of relationship including with yourself and perhaps on the deepest level with the Divine.

As I tuned in on Zoom it was so lifting to see Maitripushpa, my meditation teacher, and others on screen. Even through Zoom connection can be felt. Then after 50 minutes of dropping inwards I now feel more centred and connected with myself, in a steady frame of mind to write this without a sense of rushing.

According to Chinese medicine the heart is ruffled by rushing and striving. It likes us to be gentle with it. It is nourished through meditation, prayer and time in nature.

Here are 7 ways you can nourish your heart this Summer time;

  1. Sing - the clarity of our voice is connected to our heart, perhaps because the Heart Qi is about being your authentic self and when we express our selves from there (“speaking from the heart”) we are clear in what we are saying. Also there is a fascial connection from tongue to heart so when we sing the heart enjoys the vibrations and singing is joyful, joy is the main emotion of the heart.

  2. Dance - the heart loves music, dances is a beautiful (& joyful) way of self expression being fully immersed in your body. I love this quote from The Witch of Portobello

    “If theatre is ritual, then dance is too... It's as if the threads connecting us to the rest of the world were washed clean of preconceptions and fears. When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you.”

    ― Paulo Coelho, The Witch of Portobello

  3. Connect - Summer is the most outward/ extrovert time of the year….make time to see friends, family, loved ones, help someone in needs, take care of animals….any connection will nourish your heart.

  4. Ritual - The Heart was given the title of “The Emperor” as it was seen as the most important organ and as I mention above has a deep connection with The Divine. Rituals of any sort, ones that mean something you to, lift the heart. I like to honour the Solstices and Equinoxes and the cycles of the Moon. I find doing small rituals for these add to living mindfully, honouring the rhythms of the year and give power to setting intentions.

  5. Meditate/ Pray - The heart is said to me the resting place of our spirit, or “Shen”, as rituals do also time in meditation and prayer are natural expressions of the heart.

  6. Cacao - pure ethically harvested cacao triggers Dopamine and the endorphin, ‘Anandamide’, two essential neurotransmitters that make us feel good. It also releases Serotonin, which might help you feel more relaxed, restful and calm. The quality of food for the heart is “bitter”, raw cacao is definitely that, it’s not your usual Cadbury’s bar! I add some chilli and cinnamon to taste.

  7. Moments of Awe - The flip side of joy is depression and that is one of the emotions also associated with the Heart. University of California San Francisco researchers found that a regular dose of awe is a natural and simple way to boost positive emotions, such as compassion and gratitude, and reduce distressing emotions. So the next time you spot a Rose, stop to marvel at it’s beauty and smell it’s fragrance. Rose is actually an essential oil that can touch the heart.

I hope you enjoy these long Summer days and find some time to do things that lift your heart. I am running a Summer Solstice ritual online on 21st June at 8am if you fancy starting off this energetically potent day with me. You can find out more and book for that here. If you prefer in person I will be sharing a 3 hour Celebrating Summer workshop in a lovely yurt in Hove, you can read more about that here.