Navigating Uncertain Times

We are all collectively experiencing a craziness that we have never experienced before. People are being sent into a state of fear and stress through all the news reports and social media commentary. Our minds hate uncertainty and this is a reality right now. None of us know what is going to happen next which ends up creating fear and panic. Which as we know really is not going to help our immune systems.

Whilst I have not experienced this particular “threat” before I have definitely experienced uncertainty and difficulties in my life, like we all have, and it’s in these times that what I have learnt and practice through Yoga comes into it’s power more so than ever. Now more than ever we can draw upon what we have been learning and using it to navigate our life right now. Here are a few lessons/practices I am drawing upon now which I hope serve you as a reminder and act as some support in some way;

1) The Power of the Sacred Pause. Taking moments to pause and check in with how you are doing. Close your eyes and feel into your body. What am I feeling right now? Where is this feeling experienced in my body? Allow it, meet it with friendliness and care, watch it and breathe slowly. Emotions are energy, they come and go but we need to allow them to do this rather than ignoring or repressing them which will leave them to build up for another time. Slow conscious breaths will help soften the edges. Ask, “What do I need right now? “

2) It’s in these pauses we are sometimes able to catch a glimpse of the stillness behind it all, between the thoughts and the breath, the place within you that is already peaceful, already present, already enough. This is our true nature, not our body, not our mind but this place of safety within. We can stay here for a while, resting in what is.

3) Notice what you are saying to yourself. Thoughts create emotions and our reality. If you find you are getting caught up in fearful thoughts, thoughts that are not based in this moment but are the “what ifs”. Bring yourself back to the moment, to your body, to the ground. “Here I Am”. Affirmations can help settle, one I particularly love is “I trust the process of life, all I need is always taken care of, I am safe.” Reminding yourself of what you are grateful for right now is a powerful mood shifter.

4) We are all connected. This virus is worldwide, we are all in this together. We will get through this together. Now more than ever is a feeling of solidarity, and even though it’s a difficult time isn’t there something great about that?

5) Treat yourself and each other with kindness.

6) Trust in the flow of life. I don’t really think it’s just a coincidence that after all these years of disrespecting the planet that it is now fighting back. We are being forced to slow down, to travel less, to buy less, to simplify more…..the Yin energy that is so needed right now is calling our attention. Something good will come out of this even if we can’t see it right now in the midst of it.

7) Be with what is. This is happening. What we resist will persist. Acceptance isn’t a case of doing nothing, we all know the advice on what we need to do to keep our selves and each other safe. Acceptance is an opportunity to create some space though to think clearly and to be able to go with the flow rather than fight against it.

8) The breath is powerful. Taking time to breathe fully into your tummy will really help to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is the state for “rest and digest”, i.e. good for our immune system. My Qi Gong teacher Peter Deadman has created a short Qi Gong video to strengthen our Lung Qi, you can watch it here.

8) Yoga Nidra helps the body mind and spirt achieve deep rest, also great for our nervous and immune system. I have recorded one here

9) As Buddha taught “This Too Shall Pass”, life is constantly evolving this won’t last forever and in the meantime we practice the above.

I really recommend limiting watching of the news and going on to social media. I know we want to stay up to date with it all but I know from personal experience that if I keep checking through out the day I am more likely to get whipped up into a frenzy and be taken way out of the moment. You will find out the things you need to know.

I hope that helps in some way. Stay healthy.

Lots of love

Louise x