Sometimes you just need to say "F**k It!"

Sometimes it's healthy to let go of the to do lists and do what you really feel like doing instead.

Sometimes it's ok to not care about what other people think and do what you really want to do.

Sometimes it's ok not to have it all together but to scream and shout and cry and have a good old winge.

Sometimes it's ok not to do your yoga that day.

Sometimes it's ok to want a break from your kids/ partner.

Sometimes it's ok to eat that whole bar of chocolate.

Sometimes it's ok to not fight back but to just forgive and move on.

Sometimes it's ok not to be right.

Sometimes it's ok to have a wobbly belly and love yourself anyway.

Sometimes it's ok to just buy the things you really want, even though you don't need them and don't have the money right now.

Sometimes it's ok to tell someone how you really feel.

Sometimes it's ok to stay in bed for the whole day.

Sometimes it's ok to ask for what you really need.

Sometimes it's ok to say no.

Sometimes it's ok to stay out all night and still be dancing when the sun is coming up.

Sometimes it's ok to go for what you really want in your life even though it's scary and people around you disagree with your choice.

Sometimes it's ok to not have a goal but just allow yourself to just enjoy what you have right now.

Sometimes you just need to say "F**k It!" and just do what is best for you right now in this moment........

How about this sometime be now. and then now. and then now. and then now. 

Live your life fully, moment by moment from your heart, listen to what you need and the rest will follow.

Have a lovely Easter Weekend!

