How to make regular yoga practice achievable

Whilst we know that practicing Yoga regularly will provide many more benefits that just going to a class once a week at the studio it can feel hard to fit it into an already busy life.

First of all why do we need to practice regularly anyway?

The why is what will motivate to you do it in the first place. If it’s just another thing you feel you “should” do then it’s likely you will put it off. It needs to align with your values, what is important to you.

The “why” of a regular yoga practice will be different for everyone. Here are a few benefits to make time for it:

  • It’s an opportunity to come home to yourself, to tune in a check in with how you are doing and what you need. This way you live life more mindfully and compassionately towards yourself and others, not getting sways by others “shoulds”. staying close to your truth as you move through the day.

  • Physically it can help your mobility, ease within the body and strength (depending what kind of practice you do).

  • The simple act of doing a regular practice that is good for you even when you don’t feel like doing it switches on your willpower, your inner fire and reminds you that you CAN do anything you put your mind to.

  • When you are caught up in the spinning top of the mind a regular practice can help to ground you and bring you back to the moment to be able to think more clearly

  • If you have a Spiritual belief it’s an opportunity to connect with that

  • The breath provides energy for your day, peace and clarity of mind

  • If it is going to a yoga class that will provide connection with others

  • The more we have moments of connection with our “higher Self” that place within that is already peaceful, content and present, the more we will remember it’s there and that we can return to it at any time as it is who we are.

A Yoga practice does not have to be long.

It’s easy to get put off by thinking a practice has to be one hour or more. It’s lovely to have a long and full practice but a short 10 mins is better than nothing. The more we can put little practices through our days the more we will be receiving those benefits above. Here are a few ideas for a short practice:

  • Set 10 mins on the timer and balance out you breath, say in for 6 and out of 6, or 5 or 4, what ever feels comfortable to you

  • Set 10 mins on your time and just sit, breathe slowly, settle in and observe how you are feeling? Notice where that is experienced in the body. Breathe into it. Let it be. Just sit there watching what ever arises in the stillness. You can’t get this wrong.

  • Releases for the spine; cat cows, all fours spiralling the spine in both directiongs, extending child pose to upward facing dog. From cat pose up to downward facing dog and back again. Standing forward fold, rolling up and down the spine eventually to standing. Side stretches. A sun salutation of your choice if you have time. End laying down.

  • Pick a Yin or restorative pose you can rest in for 5-10 mins. Settle in, breathe gently and repeat some thoughtful words to yourself such as “this too shall pass”. “All the answers I need are with in me”. “I am open to possibility”. “Right now in the moment all is well, I am safe, all I need it always taken care of”.

  • If you are in need of some inner strength; forearm plank for a minute, side plank, hold chair pose, in an out of goddess squat and hold it in a low squat. Holding high lunge, dip in and out with the back knee. Lions breath. Double leg raises. Rest.

  • Tapping around the meridian lines, having a shake and then perhaps a dance….all still counts as a practice I think. Great for shifting and releasing energy.

  • Read a passage from an inspirational book

  • Take time to journal about how you feel

Yoga isn’t all about the physical practice, breathing practices, meditation, self study and acts of kindness are all yoga.

I suggest picking a time of day that works for you and sticking to a short practice for a month. It helps to have a dedicates area that is ready for you and just place yourself there and let it flow from there.

Let me know how you get on. I do offer 1-1’s if you feel that might be of help.